Photo Credit: courtesy, Victor Rousso
U.S. immigrant to Israel Victor Rousso celebrates his 90th birthday in Jerusalem, one year after aliyah. continues to follow the progress of U.S. oleh (immigrant to Israel) Victor Rousso and his wife Sarah as they adjust to their new lives in the Jewish State.

Alabama businessman Victor Rousso has just celebrated his 90th birthday, but that hasn’t slowed him down at all. He’s busy building a new business and getting things off the ground, but was willing to take time out to offer his views on the current situation.


After recently celebrating his one-year aliyah anniversary with his wife Sarah — and his 90th birthday — Rousso says the “glow” has not dimmed at all. He’s still happy to be here in Israel, and so is his wife.

“Israel is the one nation that can change the course of history with our Torah once again,” he tells in an exclusive interview. “Although most Jews believe there’s not much reason for Torah, now it is needed more than ever.”

“Many of the founding fathers of America were not only well-acquainted with the contents of the Bible, they also had some working knowledge of Hebrew,” he points out. “The Biblical heritage of American democracy influenced American universities to offer courses in Hebrew, and it was so popular as a language in the late 17th and early 18th centuries that students had the option of delivering commencement speeches in Hebrew as well as in Latin or Greek.”

In fact, Rousso says, there were members of the U.S. Congress who even proposed that Hebrew should be the national language.

However, the nonogenarian — who has long been a student of American and Israeli history — warns the Israeli government should develop a plan to “increase internal security and protect its law-abiding citizens,” urging Israeli leaders to “do what is right according to Jewish Law.

“History has proved that negotiations with a government training its citizens to kill all Jews is useless,” Rousso says.

“Israel must insist on the changes necessary to make the Palestinian Authority territory as safe and friendly to Jews as Israel has become for Arabs. It will take more than 40 years to undo the damage and mind set of the people of the Palestinian Authority, but as long as their government is able to effectively continue to use blackmail to raise funds and sympathy, this situation will continue.

“Israel should review all the aid and services it provides to the Palestinian Authority, and either charge a fair price – and ensure it is paid – or withdraw it.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.