Photo Credit: Heidelberg police Tweet
Police investigators at the crime scene.

A man drove his car into pedestrians in Bismarckplatz, in downtown Heidelberg, Germany, on Saturday, injuring three people. He tried to flee and was shot by police officer who were giving chase officers, according to local police.

One of the three victims was seriously injured, a police spokeswoman said. The driver was also seriously injured and delivered to a local hospital. Police at this time do not know the man’s motives nor his background.


A police spokesman told N-TV that the attacker was carrying a knife during his stand-off with police, after leaving his car. Police do not believe the man had a “terrorist background.” Local police tweeted laconically (as befits a tweet): “A man drove into a group of people, three persons hurt, suspect captured and shot.”

Police shared an image of investigators at the crime scene, captioned: “Our colleagues are investigating.”

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