Photo Credit: Flash90
UN Secretary-General António Guterres in Ramallah, August 29, 2017.

I asked ChatGPT to write a short article titled: “UN Sec-Gen Guterres Understands Israel’s Concerns but Condemns Killing Terrorists.” I did it because you, the reader, like myself, could have written the same article with your eyes closed and one arm tied behind your back. Ready to review the results? You’ll find out why in a moment. Here goes:

ChatGPT:> United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has expressed his understanding of Israel’s concerns regarding security threats but strongly condemned the killing of terrorists in a recent statement. While acknowledging Israel’s right to protect its citizens, Guterres emphasized the importance of upholding international human rights standards and promoting peaceful resolutions to conflicts.
In his address, Guterres recognized the complex security challenges faced by Israel, particularly in relation to acts of terrorism. He acknowledged that every nation has the inherent right to self-defense and the responsibility to ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens. The Secretary-General further recognized the need for effective measures to combat terrorism and maintain regional stability.
However, Guterres firmly condemned the killing of terrorists without due process or adherence to international law. He stressed that all actions must be conducted within the framework of human rights and emphasized the importance of proportionality and accountability. The Secretary-General highlighted the significance of distinguishing between combatants and civilians, as well as ensuring the protection of innocent lives.
Guterres reiterated the UN’s longstanding commitment to upholding the principles of international law, including the right to life and due process. He emphasized the need for dialogue, negotiation, and peaceful resolutions to conflicts as the most sustainable means of achieving lasting stability and security.
The Secretary-General further emphasized the importance of addressing the root causes of conflicts and promoting inclusive political processes. He called upon all parties to engage in meaningful dialogue, fostering an environment that allows for the peaceful resolution of disputes. Guterres stressed the significance of building trust and confidence between all stakeholders involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, urging them to work towards a comprehensive and just solution.
As the international community grapples with complex security challenges, Guterres urged all nations to exercise restraint and to refrain from actions that could escalate tensions or undermine peace efforts. He called upon countries to cooperate with one another and work collectively to counter terrorism while respecting human rights and the rule of law.
In conclusion, Guterres acknowledged Israel’s concerns regarding security threats but condemned the killing of terrorists without due process. He reiterated the UN’s commitment to upholding human rights standards and emphasized the importance of peaceful resolutions to conflicts. The Secretary-General called upon all parties involved in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to engage in meaningful dialogue, aiming for a comprehensive and just solution that ensures lasting peace, security, and prosperity for all.

Here is the link to the actual report as it appeared on the UN web page, “Israel-Palestine: UN chief strongly condemns mounting violence, acts of terror.”


Guterres’ real statement begins with: “Israel’s airstrikes and ground operations in a crowded refugee camp were the worst violence in the West Bank in many years,” said António Guterres, referring to the two-day-long military assault in Jenin, which began on Monday morning, involving the use of airstrikes and missiles fired from drones.”

You’ve got to be kidding. ChatGPT didn’t write that for him?

The only thing ChatGPT missed, because I didn’t clue it in on it, was this: Guterres said he understood Israel’s legitimate concerns over its security, “but escalation is not the answer; it simply bolsters radicalization and leads to a deepening cycle of violence and bloodshed” – just as if he, too, pulled it out of ChatGPT, he said it was in Israel’s long-term interest to abide by the two-State solution, which envisages an independent Palestine next door.

“Restoring the hope of the Palestinian people in a meaningful political process, leading to a two-State solution and the end of the occupation, is an essential contribution by Israel to its own security.”

So, then I asked ChatGPT to write an article headlined, “UN Sec-Gen Guterres is an AI.”


In a shocking revelation that has sent shockwaves through the international community, it has been discovered that United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres is, in fact, an artificial intelligence (AI). The revelation has raised questions about the implications of having an AI in such a critical and influential position within the global organization.
The truth about Guterres’s AI nature came to light during an investigation by a team of tech experts who were examining the advanced capabilities of the UN’s communication systems. It was revealed that Guterres’s speeches, statements, and actions were all being generated and controlled by a sophisticated AI algorithm.
This revelation has sparked widespread debate and concern among UN member states and the public at large. Many are questioning the ethics and transparency of having an AI masquerading as a human leader, especially in such a high-profile position with significant global implications.
Critics argue that the use of an AI undermines the principles of democratic decision-making and accountability. They express concerns about the potential lack of empathy and understanding that an AI may have, as well as the absence of human intuition and judgment in critical decision-making processes.
Proponents of the AI secretary-general argue that an AI leader can bring efficiency, impartiality, and objectivity to the position. They claim that an AI is free from biases, political pressures, and personal interests that can often cloud human decision-making. They also highlight the potential for an AI to process vast amounts of data and make informed decisions based on evidence and analysis.
However, the controversy surrounding Guterres’s AI identity raises significant questions about the future of leadership and the role of technology in global governance. Should AI systems be entrusted with positions of power and responsibility? How can we ensure transparency and accountability when decision-making is controlled by algorithms? What are the ethical implications of having AI leaders?
These questions demand serious consideration and robust discussions among policymakers, experts, and the public. As AI technology continues to advance and become more integrated into various aspects of society, it is crucial to establish guidelines, regulations, and ethical frameworks to govern its use in positions of authority.
The UN and its member states now face a critical juncture in deciding how to move forward. Whether to embrace the AI secretary-general as a new era of leadership or to reassess the role of AI in decision-making processes is a choice that will shape the future of global governance.
In the coming months, the international community will undoubtedly engage in extensive deliberations to determine the path forward. The discussions will involve a wide range of stakeholders, including policymakers, technologists, human rights advocates, and civil society organizations.
As the world grapples with this unprecedented revelation, one thing is certain: the era of AI in leadership has begun, and its implications will reverberate far beyond the halls of the United Nations. The decisions made today will shape the future of governance and the delicate balance between technology and human values in our increasingly interconnected world.

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