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Israelis helping in New Mexico

On the eve of Rosh Hashana, Israel sent 71 members from the IDF’s Homefront Command Search and Rescue unit to Mexico, to aid the country after the devastating earthquake.

Retired spokesman & head of social Media for the IDF Spokesperson’s office Peter Lerner filed the tweet below from Mexico City.


Here are some of the comments in response:

Trainer Gloria: “Israel is always one of the first countries in the world to send help to others–even to its enemies like Syria.”

Victoria‏: “Most of us love Israel. Those that don’t have issues.”

Joel Koff:‏ “Great job Israel!!!!! You make us proud!”

Lila R:‏ “Hoffen wir, daß sie es schaffen, Überlebende zu retten wie damals in der Türkei…” (Let us hope that they manage to rescue survivors as they did in Turkey…)

(((HadasA))):‏ “Sending them our love and appreciation from the UK and Shanah Tova #Mexico.”

Aboud Dandachi‏: “God bless the Mexican and Israeli people, may their friendship long endure.”

Perséfone:‏ “Thank you so much. There are no words to describe how much we appreciate your help and support. Kol hakavod!”

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Video: Shofar Blowing in Mexico:

Mexican news sources reported on the number of foreign rescue workers that were sent to help:  Japan sent 72 rescuers, Israel 71, US 67, EEUU 60, Spain 54, Honduras 36, Panama 35, Colombia 30, Ecuador 30, El Salvador 25, Venezuela 20, and Chile sent 18.

Video: Kiddush on Friday night:

Two additional aid groups, IsraAID and iAid, also went to Mexico.

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