Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90
Sand Al-Turman, suspect in the car ramming attack near the First Station center in Jerusalem on February 6, 2020, is taken out by prison guards outside the Jerusalem Magistrates Court on February 7, 2020.

Two men were arrested Monday in connection with a ramming terror attack at First Station that injured at least a dozen IDF Golani recruits who had finished their basic training and were in Jerusalem to attend their swearing-in ceremony at the Western Wall.

Jerusalem: A Dozen IDF Soldiers Wounded in Terror-Ramming Attack


The two men, both associates of Sanad al-Turman, the primary suspect, were taken into custody in order to help provide more insight into the suspect’s motives, according to a report by The Jerusalem Post.

The 25-year-old eastern Jerusalem resident was captured Thursday evening at the Gush Etzion junction. His brother told the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Friday that he believes al-Turman is innocent. “He caused an accident, got scared and fled. He didn’t mean for it to happen,” the brother told the court. “He is a smart and good man, attending college.”

Perhaps, but several Facebook posts indicate it might not be quite that way. “I’ve found my answers,” the suspect wrote in one. “Whoever seeks peace with the enemy is living under an illusion. Never surrender,” he wrote in another. Al-Turman’s remand was extended until Feb. 16.

Nine of the 12 injured soldiers insisted on subsequently attending their swearing-in ceremony later in the day anyway despite their injuries, albeit on crutches.

Wounded Golani Soldier’s Condition Improving After Attack by Terrorist in Jerusalem

One of the soldiers was badly injured and on life support however. According to a hospital spokesperson his condition is now slowly improving and he no longer requires a respirator.

The soldier, a young man from San Diego, received a visit from popular vocalist Idan Amedi this week, who came to the hospital to cheer him up with a personal impromptu performance.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.