Photo Credit: Nati Shohat/Flash90
A resident of Beitar Illit practices firing his gun at a shooting range in Gush Etzion.

The political and security cabinet is meeting Saturday night following the attacks of the last day to discuss responses. The issues on the agenda are reinforcement of police forces; immediate sealing of terrorists’ homes––which was not the procedure in the past; arresting family members and associates of terrorists; accelerating the registration and budgeting for thousands of weapons for civilians; and promotion of a law to deport terrorists’ families. Meanwhile, Police urge licensed gun owners to carry them with them wherever they go.

Speaking of police response, Neve Yaakov residents who watched in horror Friday night’s massacre, insisted the police took a long time to respond and arrive at the scene, even though the nearest precinct is a mere 300 meters away. The Shafat station of the Jerusalem district, located 300 from the massacre, controls the entire area of northern Jerusalem, including Neve Ya’akov, Beit Hanina, Shuafat, and Pisgat Ze’ev. In fact, it is located in the middle of the terrorist’s escape route, between the scene of the attack and the Ramallah intersection, where the terrorist was neutralized.


The police insist they showed up five minutes after the event had ended, at which point the terrorist had already been eliminated. Credible? National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir should investigate.

Ben Gvir, for his part, was involved in other matters. In an urgent press conference, the National Security minister said that as soon as he heard about the attack, “I came to the Prime Minister with two High Court petitions to seal the terrorist’s home on the spot. We had a late-night discussion and agreed to seal the home on the spot, to send a very clear message. At 8 AM it was on the AG’s desk, but to my astonishment, to this moment she does not allow us to seal the house.”

The AG released a statement saying, “As was made clear to Minister Ben Gvir by the professionals in the security authorities and the justice ministry, decisions about action by the political echelon must be supported by a factual foundation which he must present. Accordingly, just an hour ago, the security opinions were completed and handed to the AG, and these are currently being reviewed.”

An enraged Ben Gvir responded: “The Shin Bet’s opinion was delivered to the AG at 8 in the morning. To my astonishment, from then until now, she and her people are busy with legal quibbles and are asking the Shin Bet for more and more unnecessary additions. We should have been allowed to seal the house at eight in the morning and not wait until now. I remind you again that the police told me they could not leave forces in the house and if it’s not possible to demolish the house, the police will be forced to leave the place.”

A senior political official told Kan 11 Saturday night regarding firearms that the decision is to promote citizens who are already on the waiting list for firearms – and not about changing the standards for qualifying Israelis for a weapon permit.

But Kan 11 also reported that the cabinet will discuss speeding up bureaucratic processes involved in procuring personal weapons. Several alternatives will be discussed, including the reexamination of the current tests for gun permits, and various paths for acquiring weapons, making it easier to obtain a permit and a weapon, thereby increasing the circulation of private guns in Israel.

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