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Rabbi Leo Dee

Efrat resident Rabbi Leo Dee has received an offer from Israel’s foreign ministry to become an international envoy for the Jewish State to Jewish communities around the world, according to a report by The Jerusalem Post.

The rabbi’s wife Lucy, 48, and two daughters, 20-year-old Maia and 15-year-old Rina, were murdered last month by Palestinian Authority terrorists while driving through the Jordan Valley.


Rabbi Leo Dee: ‘We Were a Family of 7, Now We’re a Family of 4’

Foreign Minister Eli Cohen said he was moved by Rabbi Dee’s call for unity during the eulogies for his wife and daughters, a call that was made despite the intensity of his own personal tragedy.

“I heard his eulogy for his wife, and you could not help but be moved by it,” Cohen said. “Everyone who heard him had to feel the same way.”

Rabbi Dee was born in London. He studied chemical engineering at Cambridge University, later taking a position as an English teacher in Israel. Back in the UK, he worked in finance for a decade and served as a senior community rabbi before permanently moving to Israel with his wife and children.

“Lucy … said we cannot bring up Jewish kids in England; we can only bring them up in Israel,” he told The Jerusalem Post in an interview in April. “She said we need to sell the house in England and that we had to buy a house in Israel – and we did.”

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.