Photo Credit: Courtesy
This home belonging to a Kfir Brigade fighter in Amona was demolished by police and the civil administration, November 21, 2023.

The Amona settlement was evacuated by police in 2006 with astonishing brutality, and was evacuated several more times, until in 2017, no one was left there. And then a new group of settlers returned. One of them is N, who enlisted a year and a half ago in the Kafir Brigade, and was in officer school when he was called to join the fighting in Gaza.

On Wednesday, while N was operating in the Gaza Strip and cut off from communication, large forces of the police and civil administration raided the home he shared with several friends and destroyed it completely.


At the same time, the family of a neighbor, Captain Lior Snir H’yd, an officer in the Golani Brigade, were informed of his death in battle in Gaza.

Thank you for your service…

When the police and civil administration raided the settlement early Wednesday, they violently confiscated all the cell phones from the residents to prevent them from recording the event.

Fascism can be so efficient.

The Head of Binyamin Regional Council Israel Ganz tweeted on Wednesday: “How does it even cross their minds to send an evacuation force to the settlement when at the same time the family and the community were informed of the death of a resident of the settlement, an officer in Sayeret Golani?!

“Furthermore, for a month and a half, we have been appealing and begging for enforcement against the breaking of roads and illegal construction that the Arabs in the area are carrying out, and we are told that the security forces are busy because of the war.”

Boaz Spitz, whose family’s house was destroyed Wednesday morning, reacted: “I stand here in front of the ruins and I simply cannot find words to describe the intensity of the madness and evil of whoever sent these forces. We took 1400 murders in a horrifying massacre, and it seems that the Commander of the Central Command and the political echelon simply don’t care.”

“The conceptzia that sees us as the real enemies – and not the murderous enemies in the villages opposite us – has remained as it was,” he said. “It turns out that against the construction by Jews, there is manpower and there is time and resources.”

In addition to the homes, the raiding forces destroyed an observation deck that was built by one of the residents in memory of Amichai Weitzen who was killed in battle in the Gaza Strip.

Fascism is in the details.

Just recently, the IDF demolished the home of a terrorist who murdered four Jews – but the force labored hard to make sure that only the portion of the house where the murderous scum lived was destroyed, and the other parts remained intact.

But when it comes to demolishing the home of an IDF reservist the whole thing must come down.

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