Photo Credit: Naftali Bennett's Facebook page
Netanyahu, Bennett, at the Fuld family's shiva (MK Bezalel Smotrich on the left)

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Education Minister Naftali Bennett made a shiva call at the Fuld family’s home in Jerusalem Sunday night.

Bennett spoke with the late Ari Fuld’s family and heard from them about their Aliyah to Israel, about the story of the family that survived the Holocaust, and about Ari’s life.


“A hero of Israel who sacrificed his life to save others,” Bennett said of the fallen Ari Fuld, may God avenge his murder.

Bennett heard from Ari’s parents, Yona and Mary Fuld, about Ari’s work in public relations, raising money for the State of Israel, fighting in the Second Lebanon War, and his Aliyah to Israel as a lone soldier.

“He did so many things concurrently, we get stories about him from countries all over the world,” the parents related. “He was passionate about Israel. His love for the land came from the depths of his heart.”

Fuld’s parents said their son “possessed superhuman power, he did incredible things.” They also said that “for the first time we feel the price we pay for living in Israel. But we understand that we must continue.”

Bennett told the family, “The pain is terrible, there’s no way to contain the tragedy. The only point of light is that Ari did not go like a sheep to slaughter, he saved others. He fought until the last moment. I’ve never seen anything like what we saw today.”

Bennett also told the family, “You have a heroic uncle, brother and son. He lived as a hero and met his death as a hero. And how many strengths are there in your wonderful family, you are the essence of Zionism. May his memory be blessed.”

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