Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel / Flash 90
US Ambassador to Israel David M. Friedman

The American peace plan will probably be publicized only after the Israeli elections, April 9, 2019, according to US ambassador to Israel David Friedman, who hinted as much on Saturday during a briefing for US journalists accompanying the visiting National Security Advisor John Bolton, Makor Rishon reported.

“The election date in Israel is one of the factors in the considerations regarding the right time for publication of the American peace plan, but it is not the only factor,” Friedman said, adding that the plan would be made public in the coming months, so that it will have a positive response from the parties.”


According to Friedman, the plan is almost ready, and now the White House is working out only the final details. He indicated that the challenge before the plan’s authors is to deal more soberly with realities in the Middle East. He reminded the reporters that the last time a significant agreement was signed between Israel and the PLO was in 1993.

That, you may recall, resulted in the monstrous Oslo Accords and spilled rivers of blood.

“Well, a lot has happened in the Middle East since 1993,” Friedman quipped.

Last week, Al-Hayat claimed that senior PA officials had disclosed that former defense minister Avigdor Liberman let them in on the details of the Trump peace plan, which, supposedly, includes a Palestinian autonomy in Area A and parts of Areas B and C.

Liberman’s people have since denied the story, and noted that neither the former DM nor any other player in the region had seen the plan, and to the best of their knowledge “the Americans did not reveal the details of the plan to any Israeli, and it is not certain that it has already been completed.”

Back in November, in response to a PA source claiming that the Trump White House would release its peace plan in February 2019, Friedman said that the White House would release the plan “when the Administration concludes that we have maximized its potential for acceptance, execution and implementation.”

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