Watch As It Happens: IDF Footage of ‘Operation Outstretched Arm’ Attack on Yemen

Although the exact number and type of aircraft that took part in the operation remains classified, F-15 and F-35 warplanes comprised much of the contingent that carried out the attack.

Guterres ‘Deeply Concerned’ over Israeli Strike on Hudaydah, Urges ‘Utmost Restraint’

He called on all UN Member States defending their vessels from attacks to do so "in accordance with international law."

Israel’s Arrow 3 Intercepts Incoming Houthi Missile

The ballistic missile was downed outside of Israeli airspace, according to the IDF.

Hudaydah Raid a Step Up in Israel’s Security Strategy

We may be entering in earnest the next phase of the Israel-Iran war.

Watch: PM Netanyahu Addresses Retaliatory Attack Against the Houthis

"The drone attack that struck Israel in the early morning hours yesterday shows that more than defensive action is needed to curtail the Houthis. Offensive action is also needed...."

Houthis Vow to Strike ‘Vital Targets’ After Massive Israeli Strike on Hudaydah Port

"The response to this aggression is inevitable . . . The response to the Americans and "Israelis" will be harsh."

Netanyahu: Houthis are Integral Part of Iran’s Axis of Evil

"The Houthis are an integral part of Iran's axis of evil. This axis works not only against Israel, it threatens the peace of the entire world."

IDF Attacks Houthis in Yemeni Port of Hudaydah

"The fire that is currently burning in Hudaydah is seen across the Middle East and the significance is clear."

Houthis Claim Responsibility for UAV that Exploded in Tel Aviv Killing 1, Wounding 10

Meanwhile, a vessel delivering Iranian weapons to the Houthis has mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the Red Sea.

Houthis Attack Israel-Owned Tanker Carrying Vegetable Oil in Red Sea

"No damage or injuries have been reported at this time," according to U.S. Central Command.

Report: Iran Expanding Ballistic Missile Production

Iran currently possesses an estimated arsenal of at least 3,000 ballistic missiles, including models designed to carry conventional and nuclear warheads.

Iranian Ship Ignores Distress Call from Nearby Ship Struck by Houthis

"This continued malign and reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden," said U.S. Central Command.

Houthis Reportedly Kidnap at Least Nine UN Staff Members in Yemen

The circumstances of the detentions were not immediately clear, the Associated Press reported.

Arrow Defense System Intercepts Ballistic Missile Headed for Eilat

Similar attacks have been aimed at Israel from Yemen since the start of the war launched by Gaza’s Hamas terror organization against Israel on October 7, 2023.

Israel Shoots Down Two Drones Headed to Eilat

The drones never crossed into Israel’s air space.

Israel Uses C-Dome to Eliminate ‘Aerial Target’ Heading for Eilat

The C-Dome is a ship-mounted version of Israel's acclaimed Iron Dome aerial defense system.

Israel on High Alert as Iranian Threats Escalate, Proxy Attacks Intensify

"Iran will bear the consequences for choosing to escalate the situation any further."

Sad Anniversary: Six Months After Oct. 7 Israel Still Fights for Survival

Israelis are no longer willing to live with a constant existential threat on its borders.

Washington Could Remove Houthis from Global Terror List, US Envoy Says

“We favor a diplomatic solution. We know that there is no military solution,” the State Department’s Yemen envoy said.

IDF Intercepts Incoming ‘Aerial Target’ Heading to Eilat from the Red Sea

A similar incident took place on Sunday evening, except that in that incident, the "aerial target" reached Israel and landed in an open area north of Eilat.

Houthi Cruise Missile Lands in Israel, North of Eilat

"Experience has shown that when Iranian proxies or Iran themselves try to do harm to us, they will feel the pressure of the IDF."

Half of Port of Eilat Workers Face Layoffs Amid Houthi Attacks on Red Sea...

The Houthis have attacked and harassed ships in the Red Sea as they traverse the Bab el-Mandeb Straits, a narrow maritime chokepoint between the Arabian Peninsula and Africa.

Iranian Proxy Leaders Gather in Beirut to Expand War Plans

It is interesting to note that Lebanon's Iranian proxy, Hezbollah, was apparently not represented at the meeting.

Crew Members Killed in First Deadly Houthi Attack on Civilian Ship in Red Sea

Washington sanctioned two ship owners and two vessels tied to "an Iran-based, Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Qods Force-backed Houthi financial facilitator."

Houthis Cut 3 Internet Cables under the Red Sea, Set Container on Fire

The Red Sea attacks by the Houthis have disrupted global shipping, compelling companies to redirect their routes to longer and costlier journeys around southern Africa.

Arrow Intercepts Ballistic Missile Fired at Eilat by Houthis in Yemen

Less than 24 hours prior, US military forces destroyed seven missiles and a missile launcher in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen.

Biden Seeking Goldilocks Retaliation for Iranian Proxy Attack that Killed 3 Americans

“The president will do what he has to do to protect our troops and our facilities and to look after our national security interests in the region.”

Its Economy Damaged by Houthi Attacks, China Leans on Iran to Stop them

This may be a good time to bid on really cheap Iranian crude.

US-Led Forces Hit Houthi Targets in Yemen for Eighth Time in Two Weeks

Iran has been “very directly involved” in the Houthi attacks on commercial shipping interests since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.


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