Photo Credit: Twitter screenshot
A smattering of protesters outside Har Hamor yeshiva, July 5, 2023.

There’s no doubt about it: the longer the anarchist protests drag on, and the more confrontational and violent they become, the lower the number of Israelis who support them, much less join in their shenanigans. Monday’s pointless blocking of thousands of travelers eager to start their summer vacation at Ben Gurion International drew around 1,500 demonstrators – compared with close to 100,000 on Kaplan Street only three months ago. On Wednesday morning, the numbers dwindled to a few dozen who rallied outside Har Hamor yeshiva in Jerusalem.


The militarist group Brothers in Arms joined forces with the Women’s Protest early Wednesday morning, in front of Har Hamor Yeshiva, in the Har Homa neighborhood in southeast Jerusalem. They came armed with Israeli flags, megaphones, red smoke generators, signs condemning the “legislative coup d’état” and praising “De-mo-crat-ya,” and the most annoying weapon of all, the Zamburas, a.k.a. Vuvuzelas, that noisy instrument of torture the Inquisition reportedly used to squeeze confessions out of innocent victims.

The innocent victims, in this case, were the neighbors, who watched helplessly as democracy was being celebrated by a swarm of useful idiots who wouldn’t recognize judicial reform if it fell on them from the sky carved in a marble tablet.

The Har Hamor Yeshiva is a national religious high yeshiva with some 850 students, all of whom serve in the IDF. The Yeshiva follows the spirit of Abraham Isaac Kook and his son Rabbi Zvi Yehuda Kook, who believed that “the State of Israel is the foundation of the throne of God in the world.” Har Hamor is considered the flagship of the Hesder yeshivas.

The president of the yeshiva is Rabbi Zvi Israel Tau is the spiritual leader of the coalition Noam party. He was accused in 2022 by two women of sexual abuse that took place 30 and 40 years ago. The Jerusalem prosecution has yet to decide whether to indict.

The tweet below, posted by Haaretz reporter Nir Hasson, boasts “some 200 demonstrators.” If you have 30 shekels in your pocket, go to Hasson, he’ll give you 200 for them.

The left-wing protest organizations announced on Wednesday: “We came this morning to Rabbi Tau’s Har Hamor yeshiva because it symbolizes the messianic and dangerous current in the country, which is leading the regime revolution. The messianic vision is alarming and terrifying and includes a Jewish halachic state, which is based on Jewish supremacy. In the Jewish state, there will be no rights for women, LGBT people, and other minorities, and it will include the annexation of the territories and apartheid.”

So many predictions, and so few able psychiatrists in Tel Aviv in July.

Haaretz quoted demonstrator Yair Nahorai who said: “We know that you are pulling the strings of the regime coup – it is the ‘donkey’ that you are riding on the road to the Halacha state. We are not the donkey and you are not the rider. You are destroying the common home and we will not let you do that.”

The common home would have liked to sleep a little later on a warm July morning, but they couldn’t. There’s never a hose around when you need one.

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