Photo Credit: Tasnim News Agency / CC4.0
Azerbaijan's embassy in Iran. Jan. 27, 2023

The Azerbaijani Embassy security chief in Iran was killed on Friday morning after a gunman opened fire with a Kalashnikov rifle. Two embassy guards were also wounded. The Azerbaijan’s Foreign Ministry said the attacker broke through the guard posts and opened fire. In the video below you can see one of the guards attacking and struggling with the gunman.


The man reportedly arrived at the embassy with two children. The Iranian police are claiming that after being arrested, the attacker claimed his motivations were personal and related to family problems. Azerbaijan doesn’t agree with the Iranian police and said it was an act of terrorism.

Lior Haiat, Spokesperson for the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs, posted the following tweet, “We are shocked and saddened by the heinous attack against the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Tehran, in which the Chief of Security was murdered. We convey our deepest condolences to the people and Gov of Azerbaijan and the family of the victim, and a speedy recovery for the injured.”

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