Peace between Azerbaijan and Armenia Remains a Distant Dream

One of the most prominent proponents of the reconquest ideology is Ruben Vardanyan, who led a separatist regime in a ghost city in the Nagorno-Karabakh region of Azerbaijan.

Hangman of Tehran, 64, Meets his Maker, Fell Out of the Sky

Ebrahim Raisi's career was marred by allegations of grave human rights violations and complicity in crimes against humanity.

Despite Call for Declaring ‘New Genocide,’ Armenian Colonialist Invaders Are Not Victims

On May 10, Politico reported that the California-based Center for Truth and Justice sent a petition to the International Criminal Court in The Hague,...

Azerbaijan Mulling Reopening Its Embassy in Tehran after Last Year’s Attacker Was Sentenced to...

“Iran apologized to Azerbaijan after the incident, a criminal case was opened against the gunman, and a death sentence was issued."

Azerbaijan Buys Israeli Advanced High-Altitude System to Detect Iranian, Armenian Missiles and Aircraft

It can maintain continuous surveillance for several days and is capable of tracking up to 500 targets with a detection range of over 250 km.

Qaradaghli and Khojaly Massacres Were Precursors to October 7

"When a woman is raped, the humanity of a human being is severely violated.”

How Azerbaijan’s Victory in Karabakh Compares to Israel’s War in Gaza

“The rate of progress of the IDF, above and below the ground, is historically fast."

Free Webinar Thursday: ‘Israel and Azerbaijan Against Iranian-Backed Radical Religious Terrorism’

I will discuss the parallels between the Khojaly genocide and October 7, and how this led to Azerbaijan’s support for Israel in this war.

Azerbaijanis Condemn Hamas Terrorism, Praise Israeli Resilience

The Azerbaijanis empathize with Israel because they have suffered the same terrorism that Israelis suffer today.

Thousands Flee Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia as Azerbaijan Is Reclaiming Its Territories

The Armenian government said it could take in 40,000 displaced families.

Azerbaijan on the War Path Again in Nagorno-Karabakh

Eleven Azerbaijanis, both police officers and civilians were reported killed.

Israeli Journalist Urges Advocating for Azerbaijan, America’s Other Loyal Ally

Azerbaijan plays a crucial role in helping Europe reduce its reliance on Russian gas and oil.

Azerbaijan Thwarts Attack on Israeli Embassy in Baku

Azerbaijan and Israel are cooperating in his interrogation.

Israel and Azerbaijan Enhance Environmental Cooperation Following High-Level State Visits

"Israeli technology can greatly help us in agriculture with their desalination and drip irrigation technology, and many other innovations.”

President Herzog’s Visit to Azerbaijan Raising Iran’s Paranoia

Naturally, the presence of high-ranking Israeli officials on their border arouses Iranians’ anger and suspicions.

Azerbaijan’s Ambassador to Israel: Both Our Countries Are Worried About Iran

“If we are forced to and are dragged into war, Azerbaijan will defend itself.”

Azerbaijan Inaugurates Its Embassy in Tel Aviv

"A Shia Muslim country has now opened up an embassy in Tel Aviv and become a friend of Israel."

Designated Azerbaijani Ambassador Attends Khojaly Memorial Event in Rishon LeZion

“It’s good that, finally, we have an Azerbaijani embassy in Israel.”

Azerbaijan Ambassador Arrives in Israel

Baku supplies Israel with an estimated 40% of its oil.

I joined Azerbaijani Protestors in Vienna Against UN Incompetence

The crowd protested for four hours, despite the bitter cold and the snow.

Azerbaijan Assisting Turkey in Dealing with Massive Earthquake

A team of 370 Azerbaijanis reached the earthquake area to assist in the rescue operations.

Azerbaijan Closes Embassy in Iran Following Deadly Shooting

Diplomatic staff and family members were evacuated after a gunman killed the embassy’s head of security and wounded two others.

Experts: Attack on Azerbaijani Embassy in Iran an Attempt to Impede Azerbaijan’s Ties with...

Iran has recently been greatly disturbed by the opening of a new Azerbaijani Embassy in Tel Aviv.

Azerbaijan Security Chief Killed in Attack on Embassy in Iran

In the video you can see one of the guards attacking and struggling with the gunman.

Azerbaijan’s President Pushing for Territorial Justice to Open Corridor to Turkey

"Armenia used to be majority Azerbaijani. These people need to return to their homeland.”

Israeli MK’s Send Letter to their Counterparts in Azerbaijan on Embassy Opening

“We share a common and dangerous enemy - the Iranian tyranny that threatens to destroy both our nations."

Azerbaijan Appoints its First Ambassador to Israel

“Congratulations and good luck to the first Azerbaijani ambassador to Israel!” tweeted George Deek, Israeli ambassador to Azerbaijan.

Azerbaijani-Turkish Military Drills Put Iran in Panic Mode

It’s one more reason why Tehran is strengthening its relationship with Armenia, Azerbaijan’s sworn enemy.

The Case for an Independent South Azerbaijan

“Iran will be fragmented,” Dr. Kedar predicts. “It is only a matter of time – and casualties, unfortunately.”


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