Photo Credit: gloucester2gaza via Wikimedia
The Rafah border crossing

Egyptian security sources at the Rafah crossing revealed that the Egyptian government had completed the development and expansion of the Rafah crossing on its border with Gaza, in preparation for the permanent operation of the crossing which is coming soon, Ma’an reported Friday.

The improvements are part of the Egyptian plan to alleviate the suffering of Gaza Strip residents.


The sources added that the crossing had been equipped with new processing technology and the waiting halls had been expanded to allow for more Gazan travelers to enter at one time. The terminal’s arrivals area has been expanded by 600 feet.

The same Egyptian security sources noted that the Egyptian authorities are installing modern devices to detect bag and parcel contents, 4 such devices in each access hall, as well as two devices in the lounge.

Surveillance cameras have been installed throughout the crossing terminal.

The same sources also described infrastructure improvements at the Rafah crossing, which is now connected directly to Egypt’s power grid, separate from the electricity grid of the Egyptian city of Rafah, as well as the installation of a large water pump for the terminal.

The Egyptian sources pointed out that these expansions and developments have taken place over the past few days, with the aim of opening the Rafah border crossing permanently very shortly. The project was ordered by Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi.

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