Photo Credit: Shabak
A box brought into Israel by an Iranian spy. August 11. 2023.

The Shin Bet thwarted an Iranian espionage attempt in Israel overnight.

It was released for publication that a Jewish resident of Iran was detained for questioning after arriving in Israel and admitted that he had received assignments from Iranian security forces. The individual has relatives in Israel.


Upon his landing in Israel, the man was detained and interrogated by Shin Bet investigators and admitted that he had arrived in order to carry out tasks, including gathering information and covert photography on behalf of Iranian security officials.

It also emerged in his investigation that he met with Iranian security officials, was briefed before his arrival in Israel and received means to carry out his tasks. Among the means he received – a tissue box intended for the disposal of camera equipment, phones, mobile chargers and money.

It is believed that these measures were transferred to him in order to carry out espionage on targets in Israel. During his arrival in Israel, he was asked to gather information about addresses in Israel that he was supposed to receive from his Iranian operator after his entry.

Upon completion of his investigation, the man was not arrested, but rather, refused entry to Israel and he boarded a plane on his way back to Iran.

This event is part of a broad Iranian effort to establish espionage and terror axis in Israel, alongside the influence in the network to widen the social divide.

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