Photo Credit: IDF Spokesman
IAF aircraft taking off.

According to Arab media reports, the IDF killed 5 terrorists from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) overnight. Seven more terrorists were wounded. The terrorists were reportedly killed in a rocket strike on their position in Qusaya, Lebanon, east of the Lebanese Bekaa Valley, located along the Syrian border. The Arab media report IAF jets overhead before the strike.

While the last attack on Lebanese soil that we are aware of is right after Pesach in response to the 34 rockets launched at Israel when Israel attacked Hamas infrastructure in Lebanon. If the report is true, then this would be the first targeted Israeli attack on Lebanese soil in nine years, for the purpose of actually eliminating terrorists. HOWEVER (and there’s a big however here) AFP reports that Lebanese security officials claim that one of the PFLP-GC’s own old rockets which was stored in their armory blew up on and that’s what killed them.


Yossi Yehoshua of Ynet reports that senior Israeli officials say there was no Israeli attack in Lebanon.

Obviously, if you’re a terrorist it looks better that Israel killed you, than some idiot threw his lit cigarette onto the explosives he was sitting on.

Citizens in Israel report hearing a loud explosion overnight.

Based in Syria, the PFLP-GC broke away from the PFLP in 1968.

TPS contributed to this report.

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