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A guard tower at Nitzan prison, where the Nukhba prisoners will be housed underground.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir on Thursday directed Commissioner of Prison Services Katy Perry to imprison the Hamas terrorists who were captured in Israel following the October 7 massacre in an underground wing of one of the security prisons. Conditions in this wing have been described as “extremely minimal,” and it has not been used for a long time.

Earlier it was reported that the above-ground section where the same “Nukhba” prisoners were initially kept was being treated to continuous, 24/7 playing of Hatikvah, Israel’s national anthem.


The Nukhba Force, or Al-Nukhba, were naval commandos of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades. An estimated 3,000 of them breached the border fence with Israel and went about murdering, raping, and burning helpless civilians in the Gaza envelope communities.

On Tuesday this week, the Director General of the National Security Ministry Dr. Elazar Ben Harosh, and Ben Gvir’s Chief of Staff Hanamel Dorfman, visited Nitzan prison in the Ramla industrial park question together with Prison Services staff to inspect the underground Rakefet wing in preparation for locking the new tenants down there.

Katy Perry, head of the Israel Prison Service, February 22, 2023. / Yonatan Sindel/Flash90

Ben Gvir wrote the prisons commissioner that “The cells of the wing can be prepared for the confinement of detainees or prisoners under basic conditions only. Admittedly, it is an underground wing where the conditions are not the best, but these conditions of confinement comply with the provisions of the law and the relevant regulations, and prisoners were housed there in the past.”

“Given this, I ask you to act urgently to use this wing for the incarceration of the Nukhba or other mass-murdering terrorists who serve as models for Hamas and its supporters,” Ben Gvir concluded, and signed his letter, “With the love of Israel.”

Since October 7, Israeli prisons have received 2,601 security prisoners, including several dozen Hamas terrorists following the conclusion of their interrogations by the Shin Bet and Unit 504 of Military Intelligence.

Meanwhile, six Arab security prisoners have died behind bars since October 7, two of them bearing signs of violence on their bodies. Over the same period, the Knesset has ruled that security prisoners can sleep on the floor when there is a shortage of beds. The prison service has stopped the flow of electricity in cell sockets and is limiting light hours and shower time allowances. Prisoners have complained that it is more difficult now to go out for medical treatment.

Now, remember how so many in Israel made fun of Ben Gvir’s decree that eliminated Hamas prisoners’ baking their own morning pittas? And how many Israelis, do you think, upon reading the above report today, nod vigorously in approval and think maybe voting for Ben Gvir wasn’t such a bad idea?

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