A massive convoy set out Tuesday in protest over the High Court of Justice’s demand that Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein convene the Knesset by Wednesday.

The protesters showed up in their cars to say the High Court had crossed a red line by unlawfully interfering in the Knesset’s agenda and by ruling in direct contravention of the Basic Law of the Knesset.


The convoy, comprised of more than 100 Israeli flag-carrying cars led by the Zionist watchdog Im Tirtzu, set out from the Latrun Interchange and ended at the Supreme Court building in Jerusalem.

Due to the current health crisis, the organizers coordinated with the police and adhered to the health ministry regulations.

Last week, nine protestors were arrested during an anti-Netanyahu rally outside the Knesset for violating the health ministry’s regulations.

“We’re sick and tired of the High Court stealing our democracy,” said Avner Saadia, one of the protesters. “We are sick of voting for our elected officials, and finding out that the High Court is really the one in charge.”

Nechama Miller, another protester, added: “The High Court is trampling on basic democratic values like the separation of powers.”

Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg stated: “The High Court justices have turned themselves into all-powerful rulers who can act however and whenever they please.”

“Time after time, the High Court acts as a political actor with utter disregard for Israeli democracy, which endangers the future of the State of Israel. The time has come to end this judicial dictatorship,” Peleg said.

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David writes news at JewishPress.com.