Photo Credit: Bsed on The Fainting of Esther by Paolo Veronese (1528–1588)
L'Evanouissement d'Bibi

In the spirit of Purim, MK Bezalel Smotrich (Right-Wing Union) warned Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (Likud) that he must instruct the IDF to completely gut terrorists’ homes, and warned him with a citation from the Megillah:

“For if you fail to speak up now, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from a different direction; but you and your father’s family will perish. Who knows whether you didn’t come into your royal position precisely for such a time as this.” (Esther 4:13)


“More than three months ago, a murderous attack took place near Ofra,” Smotrich reminded the PM. “A despicable terrorist attacked many civilians, injuring them and, unfortunately, murdered the baby Amiad Yisrael of Ran HY’D.

“Immediately after the despicable murder, you announced that within 48 hours the terrorist’s home would be destroyed. In practice, the terrorist was killed a few days later, and a demolition order was indeed issued for his home, but following an appeal by the terrorist’s family to the IDF it was decided not to demolish the house, which still stands proudly.

“A month and a half ago, Ori Ansbacher HY’D was murdered in Jerusalem. The terrorist was caught and sent to a summer camp of a prison – unfortunately, you have failed to implement the committee’s recommendations to toughen conditions of imprisoned terrorists.

“The despicable terrorist will engage in academic studies, eat well and enjoy visits, receive good food courtesy of the Red Cross, use the pampering prison canteen and, of course, draw a respectable salary from the Palestinian Authority.

“Here, too, a demolition order was issued for the terrorist’s home, here, too, the terrorist’s family appealed to the IDF, and again, like a broken record, the IDF decided to freeze the demolition for the foreseeable future..

“This week there was another murderous attack and again the terrorist’s home, as well as the same terrorist’s hideout are still standing.

“Two weeks ago, the High Court of Justice ruled that the destruction of terrorist homes saves lives and prevents attacks.

“Mr. Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, the blood of our brothers cries out to you from the ground! The responsibility for fixing the situation is on your shoulders!”

At which point Smotrich delivered the citation from the Book of Esther and signed off: “Awaiting your response…”

We all do.

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