Photo Credit: Zvi Sukkot's Twitter
Arab motorist breaks own windshield, Nov. 10, 2021

Meet Ori Givati. Ori Givati is Director of External Relations for Breaking the Silence, an organization that started out collecting recordings of IDF soldiers who wanted to share irregularities they had faced during their service in Judea and Samaria. BtS has since become an arm of the European anti-Zionist propaganda which in 2019 gave it NIS 9.2 million ($3.1 million).

At 10:40 PM, November 10, Ori Givati tweeted: “Southern Hebron Mountain right now. Settlers entered fire zone 918, broke 3 cars, and wounded a Palestinian. Soldiers were present at the scene and left after seeing the damage and the settlers on the ground. At the moment, settlers are firing on Palestinians, two Palestinians were injured by gunfire, another person from thrown stones. There is no army or police in the place.”


Meet Zvi Sukkot. Zvi Sukkot is the Executive Director of the Otzma Yehudit party. Otzma Yehudit was established by MKs Aryeh Eldad and Michael Ben-Ari in 2013. Today it is led by MK Itamar Ben Gvir. The party is a faction of Religious Zionism.

At 8:53 PM, Nov 13, Zvi Sukkot tweeted: “You have never seen anything like this before. Remember the ‘Jewish pogrom’ last week on Mount Hebron? Unusual documentation taken at the scene shows the Arab himself smashing the windshield of the vehicle that was immediately afterward displayed by the Director of External Relations of Breaking the Silence as if it had been smashed by Jews.”

Several BtS activists then argued that the settlers had started the smashing of the windshield, and the Arab was kicking it in to be able to see the extent of the damage. However, Sukkot posted images that refuted the argument, and added a different angle of the zealot Arab motorist:

Have a good week, and may all your troubles be fake.

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