Photo Credit: TPS
A man wounded in an Arab attack while searching for the murdered Binyamin Achimeir. April 12, 2024

Injuries were reported during the search for 14-year-old Binyamin Achimeir, who disappeared and was murdered on Friday morning while tending sheep near the Malachei Hashalom (Angels of Peace) farm in the Binyamin region. The search efforts were marred by severe attacks and stone-throwing incidents from nearby Arab villages where the search took place.

During the search operation, one Israeli citizen sustained a gunshot wound to the thigh in the El Muayir village.


Additionally, three soldiers suffered light injuries in the same area. Medical teams from Magen David Adom (MDA) provided immediate on-site treatment and the injured individual was evacuated to the hospital by Emergency Medical Services.

Achimeir went missing while tending sheep on Friday. His brutally murdered body was found on Saturday.

Yesha Council Chairman, Shlomo Ne’eman said, “We are shocked and pained by the murder of the teen Binyamin Achimeir HY”D. Binyamin fought bravely against vile murderers who came to do what the enemy did on October 7. The agricultural farms are the backbone of Judea and Samaria, and the farmers are the pioneers of today. We are not going anywhere and demand that the IDF respond with such force that the cruel enemy in the Palestinian Authority will have no doubt that they cannot repeat these types of crimes.

“And on the political level, we demand that all the farms throughout Judea and Samaria be immediately strengthened. We embrace the Achimeir family and the residents of Malachei Hashalom, and thank the security forces and the thousands of volunteers who assisted in the search. We will continue to act until our voice is heard.” News Desk contributed to this report.

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