Photo Credit: Police Spokesperson
Israeli police officers examine weapons seized from three Palestinian terrorists responsible for a shooting attack at a checkpoint south of Jerusalem on Nov. 16, 2023.

Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai said that weapons seized from a car belonging to three Arab terrorists indicated that they “planned to carry out a massacre” on Thursday morning.

Six police officers were injured when three Arab terrorists arrived in a vehicle at the “Tunnel Road” checkpoint south of the capital and began firing.


Six police officers were injured. Two of the terrorists were killed by responding officers. A manhunt is on for the third Arab terrorist who is believed to have fled towards Hebron.

Police found in the vehicle two M-16 weapons, two guns, hundreds of bullets in bulk along with ten bullet cartridges, as well as two axes and clothing resembling an Israeli army uniform.

“The terrorists who were killed were caught with weapons, axes, a large amount of ammunition and dates for a long stay. They planned to carry out a massacre. All forces acted resolutely and prevented a much larger attack,” Shabtai said.

Lital Scherzman, a paramedic in the Jerusalem region told the Tazpit Press Service she was in line at the checkpoint when the shooting began.

“I was right here at the checkpoint, the second vehicle. I saw two terrorists get out of a white vehicle in front. After they get out of the white vehicle, everyone started shooting at our soldiers.”

After confirming with other officers that the area was secure, “I got out of the car and have equipment in the car. I started treating three or four wounded people at the same time. I stripped them to see that they are not bleeding, everything that can be done in trauma until the MADA paramedics arrive. After about ten minutes, they all started to arrive and we started treating them together, working together and heading to the hospitals.”

On Nov. 6, an Israel-American Border Police officer was killed in a terror attack near Herod’s Gate to Jerusalem’s Old City. Another officer was moderately wounded in the attack.

The slain officer was named as Sgt. Elisheva Rose Ida Lubin, 20, from Kibbutz Sa’ad near the Gaza border.

Police said Lubin immigrated from Atlanta in the United States in August 2021 and was drafted into the police force in March of the following year.

The terrorist was killed. He was identified as a 16-year-old resident of eastern Jerusalem.

Late last month, an Israeli policeman was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack near the Shivtei Yisrael light rail stop in Jerusalem.

On Oct. 12, two police officers were injured in a terrorist shooting just outside Jerusalem’s Old City.

Since Hamas’s Oct. 7 attacks on southern Israel, 59 police officers have been killed since Oct. 7.

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