Photo Credit: Shomron Regional Council
Arabs vandalized Kever Yosef. April 10, 2022

Two Israeli men who were on their way to visit Yosef’s Tomb in Shechem (Nablus) on Sunday night were shot and injured, apparently by the Palestinian Authority (PA) police.

A group of some 100 Muslim rioters attacked Yosef’s Tomb on Saturday night and caused massive damage to the building, a Jewish site of prayer.


After throwing rocks at the complex, the rioters set fire to the building, broke the grave marker, and destroyed property. The PA’s police subsequently turned the rioters away.

The two Israelis were on their way to visit the desecrated site.

The IDF stated after the shooting incident that the two went through an unmanned checkpoint at one of the entrances to Shechem. Shortly afterwards, the two arrived in their vehicle at one of the manned checkpoints with gunshot wounds.

IDF forces provided the wounded with medical treatment on the spot, after which they were evacuated to continue receiving medical treatment at a hospital. One is in moderate condition with a gunshot wound to his shoulder, and the other sustained light injuries to his leg.

Yossi Dagan, head of the Shomron Regional Council, stated after the incident that “nothing justifies the murderous brutality and terrorism from the PA headed by the terrorist Abu Mazen [Mahmoud Abbas].”

“Only yesterday morning an ISIS-style barbaric destruction at such a sacred site and today a cold-blooded shooting at Jews who came to pray. The responsibility lies solely with the PA terrorists and no less so with the people who continue to obsessively market this gang of terrorists as their ‘partner,’” he said.

When Jewish worshippers enter the site, they are routinely attacked by Arab rioters. The entry into Shechem, under PA control, occurs several times a year, usually around Jewish holidays. The prayers take place only during the night and under heavy security provided by the Israeli forces.

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Aryeh Savir is director of the International division of Tazpit News Agency.