Photo Credit: Ari Fuld
Ari Fuld (z"l)

The monthly salary received by the terrorist, who on September 16th, 2018, murdered Ari Fuld, 43, an Israeli-American activist, Zionist advocate, husband, and father of four, has just been doubled.

“The Palestinian Authority doubled the monthly salary it pays the terrorist murderer of Ari Fuld, obm, from $522 to $1,044,” Attorney Maurice Hirsch wrote Monday in a tweet on X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter.


Khalil Jabarin, a 16-year-old student when he stabbed Ari to death, was sentenced by the Judea Military Court on July 21, 2020, to life in prison for the terror stabbing attack at the Gush Etzion Junction, in addition to his conviction on three counts of attempted murder. The killer was also ordered to pay NIS 1,250,000 ($365,128) in compensation to Fuld’s family.

Is it likely that money will ever be paid?

Ari was born in New York and made Aliyah after high school and serving in the IDF in the Golani Brigade. He and his family were residents of the community of Efrat, in Gush Etzion.

Despite being mortally stabbed in the back, with his last breath, Ari chased and shot the terrorist – as did a second armed civilian at the scene – as the terrorist attempted to attack an employee at a shop in the complex.

“Ari is our hero,” Fuld’s wife Miriam told reporters after the decision was handed down. “He learned to protect the country and the Jewish people, on social media, in army reserve duty, in advocacy, and we expect the court to protect him as he protected the land of Israel. Only a life sentence is suitable for such an abominable act.”

Jabarin’s home in the Hebron suburb of Yatta was demolished in January 2019. Since beginning his sentence in an Israeli prison, the killer has received $25,726 as a reward for his “services” in murdering an Israeli Jew as part of the Palestinian Authority’s Pay for Slay program.  The Palestinian Authority officially allocates seven percent of its annual budget for a “Martyr’s Fund” which supports the families of jailed and dead terrorists.

Palestinian Authority monthly payments to terrorists, 2022

It Pays for Arabs to Slay Israelis
According to Itamar Marcus, director of the Palestinian Media Watch organization, terrorist prisoners receive salary increases from the Palestinian Authority based on their time in jail.

“We have seen the pay slips,” Marcus told on Monday in an email exchange. “Exactly on the date every prisoner reaches five years, his/her salary doubles!

“There are 4000 prisoners — there is always someone whose salary is reaching a new threshold – and rising,” Marcus said.

Do the math. Jabarin will be in prison (God willing) for the rest of his life, and he is 22 years old at present.

Assuming his life lasts longer than five more years, Jabarin will be eligible for the maximum terrorist “pay for slay” monthly salary of NIS 12,000 (approx. $3,470) before he turns 40 years old — a salary exponentially higher than that of most of his Palestinian Authority peers, and at least as high as an average Israeli salary.

After his murder, Ari’s family and friends established The Ari Fuld Project to continue Ari’s activities for Israel, the IDF and the Jewish people.

The annual Ari Fuld Lion of Zion Prize ceremony will be held this coming Thursday at 5:30 pm in Gush Etzion. Join us for a live broadcast of the proceedings!

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.