Photo Credit: Courtesy Nefesh B’Nefesh
239 North American Olim Land in Israel

The second Nefesh B’Nefesh Aliyah charter flight of the summer brought home 57 future IDF Lone Soldiers, 27 medical professionals, and 13 Jewish community professionals. The new Olim hail from 24 US states and three Canadian provinces, including 30 families, 90 children, and three sets of twins.

The future Lone Soldiers, who, when they reach age 18, will enlist in the IDF—without immediate family living in Israel. They will join the close to 1,000 Lone Soldiers from North America, and some 4,000 from the rest of the world.


The new Olim hail from 24 U.S. states and three Canadian provinces, including 30 families, 90 children, and three sets of twins. The future Lone Soldiers—those volunteering to serve in the IDF without immediate family living in Israel—will join the close to 1,000 Lone Soldiers from North America, and the close to 4,000 Lone Soldiers from around the world. These young men and women, once they become Israeli citizens, enlist in the IDF as required of all Israelis at the age of 18.

The chartered flight was sponsored by Heidi Rothberg from Denver, Colorado, in coordination with Jewish National Fund USA, in cooperation with Israel’s Ministry of Aliyah & Integration, the Jewish Agency for Israel, KKL, JNF-USA and Tzofim-Garin Tzabar.

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