Photo Credit: Linda Sarsour's Twitter account
Linda Sarsour (2nd from L) in a campaign tweet endorsing Sanders for President

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt) on Friday announced he had recruited anti-Israel, anti-Semitic Arab activist Linda Sarsour to campaign for him as an official surrogate, the Daily Caller reported. Sanders tweeted remarks Sarsour had made in a video that has since gone viral: “I would be so proud to win, but also to make history and elect the first Jewish American president this country has ever seen and for his name to be Bernard Sanders.”


This pretend pro-Jewish stance while at the same time endorsing the most vile anti-Israel as well as anti-Semitic positions from racist public figures is Sarsour’s signature MO. Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, put it best in late August, when he wrote: “Sarsour will make up any story, any lie, to blame, demonize and smear (BDS tactics) Israel and the Jewish people.”

In August, Sarsour posted this tweet, calling pro-Israel and pro-Trump demonstrators “racists”:

Mort added, “Sarsour is the one who stands with terrorists and bigots, including Louis Farrakhan. Sarsour shared a platform with and praised Rasmea Odeh – a Palestinian-Arab terrorist responsible for murdering Jewish students; praised an Arab kid holding rocks to throw at Israelis as ‘the definition of courage,’ and tweeted her support for the intifada – the knifing, bombing and shooting campaigns in which Palestinian-Arab terrorists murdered and maimed 12,000 Jews.”

In the video, Sarsour promised that as president Sanders would conduct “a foreign policy that sees Palestinians as deserving of human rights and self-determination.”

Hiring Sarsour is yet another Sanders move away from the consensus of the Democratic party. Back in January, the DNC disavowed Sarsour’s “Women’s March” organization, joining hundreds of Democrat-affiliated groups who have rejected her anti-Semitic agenda. The DNC joined major liberal organization such as the National Abortion and Reproductive Rights Action League, the Human Rights Campaign, and the Southern Poverty Law Center, who will no longer associate themselves with Sarsour.

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