Photo Credit: United Hatzalah
Eli Beer accompanied by a specialized medical team aboard the private jet of Dr. Miriam Adelson. April 21, 2020

President and Founder of United Hatzalah Eli Beer was released from Hospital in Miami Monday, after making a dramatic recovery from Covid-19, and made his way to the airport to fly back to Israel, according to the United Hatzalah Spokesperson. He was accompanied by a parade of local community members from the Jewish Community who held homemade signs wishing Eli Well and praising God for his recovery.


Gabriel Groisman, the Mayor of Bal Harbor, posted his special wishes for Eli on his Twitter feed: “I’m so happy to have spoken to @EliBeerUH tonight, who is recovering nicely, from a serious fight with COVID-19, which he is now winning. He is upbeat, grateful, and looking forward to getting back home to his family in Israel soon!”

Beer contracted the virus close to six weeks ago while he was on a fundraising trip in Miami. He was hospitalized in Miami, and after his condition deteriorated, he was put on a ventilator in an induced coma. He left Florida for Israel on Monday, on the private plane of Dr. Miriam Adelson.

Eli Beer on his way to Israel from Miami, on Miriam Adelson’s private jet, April 20, 2020.

Eli made his way to the airport in an ambulance accompanied by members of Hatzalah of South Florida who supervised the transport. They were met with a long parade of community members from across South Florida who came out to show their support for Eli and the lifesaving work he does. They traveled behind the ambulance in a procession and cheered him on until he embarked onto the plane. Eli told his well-wishers just before he boarded the plane that: “Thank you for your support. For the past few weeks, I was fighting for my life, now I am returning to Israel and I hope to save more lives than ever.”

Eli Beer Arrives in Israel. April 21, 2020

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