Photo Credit: Gili Yaari /Flash 90
Thousands of Israeli protesters rally against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government in Tel Aviv, January 21, 2023.

Multiple scheduled appearances in the United States by various Israeli government ministers have been cancelled in deference to the rising protests against the Netanyahu government by American Jewish leftists, egged on by ex-pat Israelis encouraged by their leftist counterparts in Israel.

Diaspora Minister Amichai Chikli was set to meet with representatives of the Jewish Federation of Washington on Thursday (June 8) but cancelled his appearance a few hours before the meeting because of the protests.


Ex-pat Israeli anti-government anarchists made it clear that they planned to demonstrate outside the building if the meeting took place, as they have done elsewhere with other Israeli government ministers.

Federation officials claimed, however, that the meeting was canceled due to a scheduling issue.

Similar meetings scheduled with Innovation, Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis in Los Angeles and Economy Minister Nir Barkat in Boston were canceled as well in deference to threats of demonstrations by the protesters.

For Days, Chikli Faced Protesters
One week earlier, the anarchists awaited the minister in Toronto outside the building where he was to meet with Jewish Federation rabbis. “Wherever you go, we will be there to meet you!” a protester yelled in Hebrew through a megaphone.

The minister proceed with his itinerary, which included a visit to Ottawa, where he met with Canadian parliamentarians.

Chikli was also scheduled to meet June 5 with the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, despite a written plea by the ex-pat Israeli ‘UnXeptable’ group urging the organization to “explore with him his recent statements which threaten the shared values that are the basis of the American-Israeli relationship.”

Chikli also met this week with Chabad-Lubavitch Rabbi Moshe Kotlarsky at 770 Eastern Parkway, the Hasidic movement’s world headquarters in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn.

Barkat Withdraws from Boston Meeting
The announcement followed the news that Israeli Economy Minister Nir Barkat had withdrawn from an event at a local Reform synagogue in Boston organized by the Israeli Consulate, rather than risk a confrontation with anarchists.

The rabbi of the synagogue that was rented for the event had planned to join the protesters, according to Haaretz.

Akunis Cancels in Los Angeles to Avoid Protesters
Innovation, Science and Technology Minister Ofir Akunis cancelled his participation at an event in Los Angeles nine days ago after ex-pat Israelis in southern California announced plans to hound the minister with a demonstration against the Netanyahu government’s judicial reforms.

The Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles was forced announce the cancellation by the minister at the event as American Jewish leftists and ex-pat Israelis demonstrated outside the hall.

Consul-General Hillel Newman apologized on the minister’s behalf, quoting him as saying that his presence “might cause more provocations with the people outside and the protesters.”

“If there is a place for a non-violent debate in Israel’s internal affairs – it is only in Israel and since we knew that provocations by demonstrators from the left were expected, we chose not to hold them in the international arena,” Akunis’ office reportedly explained in a statement.

Can it be that ex-pat Israeli anti-government anarchists are succeeding in their efforts to destroy Israeli government efforts to strengthen ties with US and Canadian officials and local Jewish communities?

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.