Photo Credit: Maryland Gov. Pics / Wikimedia
Maryland Governor Larry Hogan

Maryland State Governor Larry Hogan issued an official lockdown order for all residents that took effect Monday evening at 8 pm.

All residents were ordered to remain indoors unless they were employed in essential work; non-essential workplaces were advised to shift to the internet if at all possible.


“We are no longer asking or suggesting Marylanders stay home; we are directing them to do so,” Hogan said in a statement.

Those who violate the order are to face misdemeanor charges that carry a penalty of up to one year in jail and/or a $5,000 fine.

One is allowed to leave home in order to buy food or to seek medical care, NBCTV-4 Washington reported. Victims of domestic violence can leave their homes and seek help, it was emphasized, as well as leave to care for a relative or friend, and to care for livestock or pets.

“Every single Marylander can be a hero just by staying home,” Hogan added.

Residents who returned home recently from nearby states were asked to self-quarantine for a 14-day period.

There were 1,413 confirmed cases of the COVID-19 coronavirus in Maryland on Monday.

The state has received a federal disaster designation, which will open up more funding for state and local governments and nonprofits, the governor’s office said in a release.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.