Photo Credit: Amos Ben Gershom / GPO
US National Security Adviser Robert O'Brien and Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at a joint news briefing in Jerusalem, December 13 2020

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned the global community during a joint news briefing with US National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien on Sunday in Jerusalem that Iran remains “a threat to world peace.”

The prime minister underlined in his statement to journalists, “We shouldn’t go back to business as usual with Iran” once President-elect Joe Biden enters the White House on January 20, and urged the international community to unite against the Islamic Republic’s “threat to world peace.


During their meeting the agenda included the Abraham Accords, the issues around Iran, and other regional topics. Netanyahu also thanked O’Brien for the honor bestowed on Israel’s National Security Adviser, Meir Ben-Shabbat, the American Department of Defense’s medal for Distinguished Public Service.

“This is the highest honor that the US Department of Defense can give to a non-US citizen and it’s well deserved and very moving. Thank you,” the prime minister said.

“The Abraham Accords have brought about historic breakthroughs for peace with four Arab countries: the UAE, Bahrain, Sudan and now with Morocco. This is creating enormous excitement in Israel.

“[But] none of these breakthroughs of course would have been possible without the participation and active involvement and leadership of President Trump and his able team. So once again, I say thank you President Trump.

“In addition, the Trump administration proposed the first truly realistic plan for an Arab-Israeli, or rather Palestinian-Israeli peace. This is the first plan to take seriously and address Israel’s national and security interests. That’s why I think down the line it will be the only plan that will be implemented.

“Our close national security cooperation is also evident in our efforts to roll back Iran’s aggression and stop its frantic race to the bomb. Instead of coddling the tyrants in Tehran, President Trump has adopted the policy of maximum pressure. This is a policy that I have to say is widely supported across the Middle East.

“Both Israelis and Arabs praised President Trump when he pulled out of the failed Iran nuclear agreement, when he re-imposed and beefed up tough sanctions on Iran, when he took out the Iranian arch terrorist, Qasem Soleimani. When Israelis and Arabs agree on so many things, it makes sense for the world to pay attention. After all, we live in this region. We know something about it.

“As long as Iran continues to subjugate and threaten its neighbors; as long as Iran continues calling for Israel’s destruction; as long as Iran continues to bankroll, equip and train terrorist organizations throughout the region and the world; and as long as Iran persists in its dangerous quest for nuclear weapons, and the means to deliver them, we shouldn’t go back to business as usual with Iran. We should all unite to prevent this major threat to world peace.

“I say world peace because today, the Islamic Republic of Iran is still a nasty neighborhood bully. But, if unchecked, tomorrow Iran will arm itself with nuclear tipped ICBMs that can target Europe and America and it will become a global bully, which will endanger everyone. All this must be prevented and all this can be prevented. On this, all America’s friends in the region agree, and I know Robert that you agree as well.”

US Vice President Mike Pence is expected to arrive for a visit in the Jewish State on January 13, one week before the inauguration of Joe Biden as the incoming president.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.