Photo Credit: TechCrunch via Flickr; Mike Cohen via Wikimedia
Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong and Shurat HaDin's founder Nitsana Darshan-Leitner

Israeli Law Center Shurat HaDin has put Coinbase on notice after Israel’s Blockchain analysts had discovered that Hamas was using the online platform of the San Francisco-based cryptocurrency brokerage to fundraise in Bitcoin.

Coinbase is the largest cryptocurrency brokerage online, with a reported $5 billion in transfers.


See: Hamas Raises Bitcoin Funds Through US Crypto Exchange

Shurat HaDin’s founder Nitsana Darshan-Leitner wrote Coinbase CEO and crypto billionaire Brian Armstrong: “It has recently come to our attention that the notorious Palestinian terrorist group Hamas currently maintains an account with Coinbase, Inc., through which it is accepting donations. Therefore, I am writing to notify Coinbase that knowingly providing material support or resources to Hamas is a violation of US federal criminal law, and to demand that Coinbase immediately terminate any and all accounts and services provided to Hamas. The provision of such support could render your company both criminally and civilly liable under America’s Anti-Terrorism law.”

Darshan-Leitner told Armstrong the US “has banned transactions with the terrorist organization Hamas, including providing or receiving any property or services, since 1995,” explaining that “it is clear that the products and services that Coinbase provides to its customers constitute ‘material support or resources’ under the statutory definition.”

She added: “We urge Coinbase to carefully review the comprehensive list of designated terrorists published by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), and to ensure that Coinbase complies with federal law in this regard,” and concluded: “We reserve the right to take legal action without any additional notice.”

Nitsana Darshan-Leitner issued a statement saying: “Since Shurat HaDin has already successfully used legal channels to freeze billions of dollars in Palestinian terror assets, the terrorists are constantly looking for innovative ways to raise funds. Groups like Hamas are increasingly turning to cryptocurrency and the Dark Web. Shurat HaDin will continue to use every legal tool available to us to take them down and bring them to justice.”

Shurat HaDin works with Western intelligence agencies, law enforcement branches and a network of volunteer lawyers across the globe to file legal actions on behalf of terror victims and is at the forefront of fighting terrorism and safeguarding Jewish rights worldwide.

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