Photo Credit: YouTube screenshot.
United States Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield speaking at the Annual Gathering of Remembrance, April 24, 2022.

US Ambassador to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield expressed the “deep concern” of the Biden Administration over what she called a “sharp escalation in violence and tension between Israelis and Palestinians.”

Speaking at the monthly UN Security Council Briefing on the Situation in the Middle East, Thomas-Greenfield said there is no justification for violence directed at civilians. “That includes the November 15 terrorist attack in a settlement that killed three Israelis. And the violence committed by settlers in Hebron on November 19. Anyone who commits a violent act – Israeli or Palestinian – must face equal justice. It must be clear that no individual or group is above the law,” she said.


But in the Biden administration’s typical, constant effort to create a moral equivalency between Palestinian Authority terrorism and efforts by the Israel Defense Forces to track down and arrest the perpetrators of that terrorism, Thomas-Greenfield went on to note that 2022 has been “the deadliest year in the West Bank since 2004. Nearly 150 Palestinians and 28 Israelis have been killed.” Not a word about the attacks that prompted Israel’s “Break the Wave” campaign to put an end to the attacks on its civilians, and not a word about how many of those “150 Palestinians” were engaged in attacking Israeli civilians and soldiers when they died.

“Amid these heightened tensions, it is all the more critical that Israelis and Palestinians refrain from unilateral actions, including settlement activity, evictions and the demolition of Palestinian homes, incitement to violence such as payments to the families of terrorists and disruption of the historic status quo at holy sites.”

What about unilateral terrorist attacks on Israeli civilian populations, Palestinian Authority government encouragement and approval of terrorist activity in Israeli territory, lynch attacks on Israelis who inadvertently enter PA towns or villages, insistence on keeping PA territory Judenrein and continuous retaliation against Palestinian Authority citizens who do business with and/or sell land to Israelis? Oops, she didn’t mention those…

The US Ambassador emphasized, “These actions only take us further away from a negotiated two-state solution, which remains the best way to ensure Israel’s future security and prosperity and fulfill Palestinians’ desire for a state of their own.”

Of course, that’s the priority after all: The constant nagging for Israel to commit national suicide at any and all costs so the US can credit itself with making “peace in the Middle East.”

Thomas-Greenfield did, however, remember to note “The UN system is replete with anti-Israel actions and bodies, including biased and disproportionate resolutions against Israel across the UN system.

“The lopsided focus on Israel at the United Nations, including the open-ended Commission of Inquiry and the recent request for an advisory opinion at the International Court of Justice, has brought Israelis and Palestinians no closer to peace,” she said.

Wow. She noticed.

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Hana Levi Julian is a Middle East news analyst with a degree in Mass Communication and Journalism from Southern Connecticut State University. A past columnist with The Jewish Press and senior editor at Arutz 7, Ms. Julian has written for, and other media outlets, in addition to her years working in broadcast journalism.