Chabad Facial Recognition Software

I couldn’t believe that I found myself among thousands of people and that that moment in time had been preserved, said Stern.

Jewish Press June 25 Primary Election Endorsements

In these divisive and highly partisan times, with hateful anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric on the rise in the halls of government and misbegotten values on the ascendancy, it is more important than ever that members of our community come out and vote.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Kramer Family – Aliyah From West Hempstead

Sam laughs that she was on every WhatsApp group, watched every NBN video and asked questions to everyone she knew.

Is It Proper To Attend A Non-Jewish university?

As with every question, the proper answer begins with "it depends."

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Arias Family – From Las Vegas to Moshav Shuva

It’s been a heavy year but we are trying to build ourselves back up within our new reality... It’s a crazy reality to look around the world and feel that they’ve scrolled past while we have real family and friends still over there; it’s all still very real and raw for us.

Are Yom Ha’atzmaut And Yom Yerushalayim ‘Halachic’ Holidays?

The Chatam Sofer concludes that establishing a festival to mark a miraculous event is a biblical requirement, and one who does not do so is in violation of not performing a positive commandment (Teshuvot Chatam Sofer, YD 233).

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Samters – From North Woodmere to Modiin

We felt it was an obligation that we speak about in our tefillot every day. We ask to be here and if we can make it work, we should be here.

The Machine Matzah Controversy: A History – Rabbis, Matzah, and Invention

The Ksav Sofer also dismissed the square matzah concern by stating, In the merit of the four-cornered matzos, may Hashem redeem us from the four corners of the earth.

Frum Faces Of Aliyah: The Rosenbergs – From Dallas to Beit Shemesh

The challenges of making aliyah on a short timeline and in the midst of lockdown were many, but Tali says, Once we made the decision, Hashem carried us on His back to our new life...

The Most Important Financial Decision: Who You Decide To Marry

I share this dose of reality: You don’t get a pass on math. If you do not have a high household income, you can’t live an extravagant lifestyle. You will need to make compromises on where and how you live.

Handled With Holiness

One of the rabbis at Shura explained that they sanctified themselves through their death and need no further purification. Their blood and the clothing in which they died are left to awaken G-d’s attribute of mercy.

Such A Thing Will Not Be Done

The Torah is ambiguous regarding who, exactly, is right in this story. Did, indeed, the brothers go too far? Did Yaakov face a battle shortly thereafter, as one midrash indicates? Were they both right on some level?

Acheinu – How To Be Whole

You may be a wonderful, accomplished, and successful individual, but as long as you are not on speaking terms with your own sibling, you will not be whole. As long as a family is torn by mistrust and conflict, none of its members can be whole.

Massive Tuition Incentive A Potential Community Builder In Rochester

Tuition prices getting you down? Read how one yeshiva in upstate NY is slashing its prices.

J.K. Rowling Becomes A Jew

Her truly remarkable past philanthropy and support for left-wing causes counts for nothing. Like Stalin or Mao’s purges, only total submission and complete capitulation will do.

63 & 23: The Jewish Press And Rabbi Sholom Klass

Many a morning as I was getting ready for school, Dad would come home to daven and then back to work he went. I don’t know when he slept or ate, but he never missed his prayers.

New Platform Allows Users To Rate Their Beit Din Experience

The idea is to slowly create an operating standard: approved batei din are ones which are transparent, which don’t allow for shady deals, and which recognize abusive behaviors when they present themselves.

Is It Proper To Own A Gun?

Obviously, the question is not only in regard to owning a gun, but having it in one’s possession and if necessary, using it.

More Jewish Press Endorsements For Nov 8th General Elections

Below are The Jewish Press recommendations for NYS Attorney General, various NYS Senate and Assembly races and the four ballot proposals.

Jewish Press Endorsements For Nov 8th General Election

Simply put, while Rep. Zeldin has come forward with common-sense approaches, Gov. Hochul has been missing in action on all of these critical fronts, seemingly determined to avoid angering her leftist-woke base with its catastrophic agenda.

YU Asks U.S. Supreme Court for Emergency Stay in Gay Pride Club Case

Under what circumstances would it go before the full nine-justice panel – and would that help or hurt your chances?

Brian Robinson: A Moderate For New York’s District 10

Any politician in Borough Park who supports Bill de Blasio does not represent the people.

Zionists Don’t Need To Justify Their Existence

Why would I need to justify where I live or the policies of my government? I’ve never seen a similar talk given by people who live in other countries unless they were an official spokesperson of their government.


Instead of aspiring to the role of problem-solver, Gov. Hochul seems more interested in burnishing her progressive credentials in order to curry favor with what she believes is her political base.

Abortion And Jewish Public Policy

No law can address every situation. Some people will be adversely affected by any law.


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