From The Depths Of The Dead Sea To A Lion Of A Find

If it can be determined that your chanukiah is an authentic original, the value would be $2,500 -$3,500.

When Selfish Becomes Selfless

Everyone wants to contribute something significant to the world. This desire is an inherent part of being human.

Live It

To be honest there were many Shabbos mornings when I fell back to sleep without saying kerias shema, but it made a deep impression on me. Now I try to be particular to say shema before the earlier time.

Revitalizing Our Prayers – Part Fifteen

How surprised I was when he answered with a flourish that the most important blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei is T’kah b’shofar gadol l’cheiruseinu, our bracha that we beseech Hashem to initiate the final Redemption!

Plastic Wrapped

The only way to build trust is to share. This is scary because it makes us vulnerable. When we share with someone, we are hoping that they will safeguard our secrets and never use them to hurt us.

The Rachmastrivka Rebbe, HaRav Chai Yitzchok Twersky, zt”l

An introspective and humble man, word of his erudition and his reputation as a fount of Torah-based wisdom soon spread; people flocked to him for advice and counsel, both from within the ranks of his chassidim and the general public. His role in the community became legend.

Travel Ban

You don’t need to fly anywhere of course if you don’t want to. Perhaps, though, you can take a moment to reflect on your unwillingness to travel outside of your comfort zone.

Manuscript Handwritten By The Vilna Gaon

Occasionally there are extraordinary purchases, which cause even an experienced bookseller to get emotional.

The Fire Inside Him – Matisyahu Fights On

You know, it seems they’re [the protesters] are upset that I played for the IDF soldiers, which is straight up antisemitic and racist, Matisyahu said. We’re not allowed to have our own army? That’s what their problem is. They don’t know anything about me, who I am, or my fans.

Lieberman Seeks Voters With Strident Anti-Charedi Campaign

From my experience working with young Russian olim, the fact is that they don't want to convert. Why should they? They already enjoy full privileges as Israeli citizens under Israel's 1970 Law of Return.

Daf Yomi

By All Means Rescue! ‘If One Removes a Fish from the Sea’ (Shabbos 107b)

Do What’s Right, Even If You’re Right

Sometimes our children themselves don't even realize how much they need their parents.

Three Rabbis Respond To President Rivlin’s Comments

Jewish values do not come from man. They come from the G-d of perfection and compassion.

Ascending The Ladder

One-out-of-three is not the kind of language that Dr. Weinblatt would ever employ, let alone even allow himself to think. The man is a fount of hope.

Tissues Of Delusion

What chutzpah?! I thought to myself. I felt like a child being punished for taking a cookie out of the cookie jar.

SWAT Teams, Low Turnout And Skyrocketing Costs Highlight 2022 Kosherfest

Some longtime Kosherfest vendors, seeing the difference in this year’s show, are hoping it improves in the future.

Daf Yomi

A Two-Way Street? ‘Joining Geulah To Tefillah Is Preferable’ (Berachos 30a)

Q & A: L’David Hashem Ori (Part II)

Dear Rabbi Klass, As most of us know, now that it’s the month of Elul, we say the 27th chapter of Tehillim until Shemini Atzeret (“L’David Hashem Ori – [A Psalm] of David: The Lord is my light”). The second verse states: “Bikrov alay me’rei m le’echol et besarai… – When evildoers approach me to devour my flesh….” Why does it not say “reshaim – wicked ones” or “anashim raim – evil people?” Tzila Kleinbart Brooklyn, N.Y.

The Tale Of A Girl With A Dumb Phone

Emma admits that it took a while to get used to owning a flip phone. In the days after the switch, as she terms it, she wondered if she’d miscalculated badly.

The Epitome Of A Double Standard

The campaign reportedly also killed nearly 2,000 Islamic State fighters.

Covid-19 And Anti-Semitism – Two Viruses Join Forces

Let’s be clear. Nothing can be done about all this. There is no stopping the propagation of hate that has the Internet at its disposal.

Rashi In Auschwitz – 1944

They wonder: Why is he endangering his life? He approaches and tells them, “Kinderlach, we don’t know how much time we have left, so let’s learn Torah.”

Do We Recite Tachanun At A Bar Mitzvah?

Contrary to popular misconception, the bar mitzvah is not truly the exact moment that a boy becomes obligated to observe the mitzvot.

Cancel Culture Run Amok?

It is no answer that protest is ordinarily the legal right of all Americans. This is not about legal rights but about ineluctable effects.


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