New York Hospitals Cope With Growing Demand For Kosher Food

Hospitals in New York City, as well as hospitals in other major markets, are dealing with an increased demand for kosher food by patients, their families, visitors and staff.

KOSHERFEST 2001 Offered Nosh, Nibbles And News

From bagels to salsa, chicken soup to saké, the 13th annual Kosherfest gave the food industry an exciting and comprehensive look at the world of kosher food. Despite apprehension following the events of September 11th, this year's show had its largest number of exhibitors (450) and highest attendance (12,000 visitors) to date.

Latest In Kosher Food

Among the many pieces of advice given to me when I first got married came from a wise family acquaintance. He said, "Always keep the phone number of your local take-out on speed dial."


One of the favorite food staples in the Jewish home during the High Holy Day season is honey. Traditionally, from Rosh Hashana until after Succot, honey is served with every major meal. It is smeared on the bread over which we recite the Hamotzi blessing, the sweet apple is dipped into honey on the night of Rosh Hashana, sweet baked goods are baked with honey, and honey is used in the preparation of foods such as glazed carrots and sweet desserts. Aside from the caloric disaster that this custom entails, one is really hard pressed to find a negative thing to say about honey.

A Grand Slam of Flavor: Prime Kosher Sports Serves Up Kosher Delights at the...

Prime Kosher Sports goes above and beyond to make sure that attendees of the U.S. Tennis Open have a plethora of options to choose from.

The Latest In Kosher Food

Cake, The Way Grandpa Used To Make It

The Joy Of Snacking

In my house, the search for the perfect snack is of utmost importance. In fact, I probably spend more time in the snack aisle then I do searching for the perfect cut of meat.

Dinner At Le Marais Caps OK Labs? International Mashgichim Conference

When a convention of kosher supervisors steps out to dine, you can be sure the restaurant of choice will meet their highest standards of kashrut as well as cuisine.
Le Marais, a French steakhouse that has been under the supervision of OK Laboratories since its opening in 1995, provided the setting for dinner and lively conversation following the OK?s 2nd Annual International Mashgichim Conference in November.

Gift-Giving On The Rise On The Eve Of Rosh Hashanah

Gift-giving has become increasingly popular on the eve of Rosh Hashanah and the lead item is honey, not only those ubiquitous cute honey bear bottles, but more sophisticated and gourmet options.

New Kosher Wines For The New Year

Several new wines have arrived stateside just in time for Sukkot.

Latest in Kosher Food: Candy, Candy, Candy

As in most homes, candy has a very important place in our family life. Whether it is a snack for the kids to take with them to school, or just something to nosh on when there is nothing else to do, for those of us not "health conscious"-candy is what we look for. Over the past few months some really great nosh has made its way into our office ? here are the four we most enjoyed.

The Joy Of Snacking Part III

Yes, the search for the perfect snack continues. This week's features are for lovers of potato chips and chocolate. Cookie lovers, be patient.

Fine Wines For Rosh Hashanah

The blast of the shofar carries loudly and clearly over long distances. Because of that, it was often blown in biblical times as a means of communication - to announce times of danger or the onset of peace. Today the shofar is sounded in connection with the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. In fact, the only specific biblical commandment for the upcoming Rosh Hashanah holiday (in these times) is the sounding of the shofar.

Pesach Wines

Pesach is a holiday where multiples abound. From the four questions, the 10 plagues and double dipping to the hodgepodge that is charoset or Hillel's famous bitter herb and matzah sandwich, nothing seems to be singular on this holiday. If only our unleavened bread were privy to such excess.


Does this question sound familiar ? "Mom, what's for dinner?" Are you always looking for new and exciting meals to please yourself and your family? If the answer to these questions is yes, then we have the answer.

Keeping Food Safe From Farm To Fork

How can you be sure that bacteria are not festering in your food? Dangerous pathogens like Salmonella, E. coli, Listeria and chemical contaminants are responsible for more than 76 million food-borne illnesses a year in the U.S., according to the Center for Disease Control. Bacteria, viruses and toxins thrive on food that is undercooked, inadequately refrigerated or prepared in places where hygiene standards are lax. One Israeli company, however, hopes to make your food safe from the farm to your fork.

‘Quonfused’ About Quinoa

Quinoa has become a part of the Passover diet for many observant Jews since the Star-K published an article Quinoa, The Grain That's Not, in the Kashrus Kurrents for Pesach, 1997.

Kosher Expo Captures The Consumer Market

Kosherpalooza is not a successor to Kosherfest. This is a totally different event. Kosherpalooza is a one-of-a-kind kosher food festival for consumers, Klein explained.

Shavuot/Spring Wines

The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer - spring is in the air and Shavuot is almost here! The warm weather and dairy Shavuot meals provide the perfect excuse to pop the corks on the newest vintage of white and ros? wines.

The Latest In Kosher Food: Perfect Gefilte Fish

What comes to mind when you think of Shabbos? The glow of candles, the beauty of the Shabbos table and the mouth-watering taste of special foods; freshly baked challah, simmering chicken soup and of course, gefilte fish.

The Latest In Kosher Food

In honor of the beginning of summer, we decided to take the search for the perfect snack on the road and see what we could find along the East Coast.

For The Best Sufganiyot – It’s Sesame

The fillings may all be different, but one thing that is almost always the same is that there’s an ample amount inside your sufganiyah.

Rule The Kitchen!

Ever since I got my copy of Quick & Kosher, Jamie Geller's first cookbook, I've been hoping for a sequel. And after meeting this adorable, down-to-earth powerhouse (and interviewing her for the Jewish Press) back in 2007-she was working on new recipes even as she was out promoting that debut volume-I was even more eager to see what else she would have in store. Three years in the making, Quick & Kosher: Meals in Minutes hits stores this month.

For STAR-K: The Skype’s The Limit

When Rabbi Chaim Glazer, an 11th grade rebbi at Yeshiva Toras Chaim in North Miami Beach, Florida, was teaching his class about Kil'ei Ilanos (the issur of grafting two trees of different species together) his lesson plan research led him to a STAR-K Kashrus Kurrents article on hydroponics - the cultivation of plants in a nutrient solution rather than in soil.

Baking One Million Cookies To Raise A Lot Of Dough

Spirits are rising alongside the cookie dough at the Manhattan JCC as doctors, social workers, artists, lawyers, and teachers team up with master chef Levana Kirschenbaum to bake one million chocolate chip cookies to raise funds to help the families of Israel's terror victims.

Snacking Right – A Tough Nut To Crack

Post-Pesach many of us begin making promises to ourselves in the hopes of looking and/or feeling better. Some of the most popular wishes people share with me include: Being stricter about eating habits, losing weight, going for a checkup/special exam, and here's a big one, exercising!

Manischewitz Promises A Passover With Tam Tams

SAN FRANCISCO - They're baaack. Duly chastened by the Great Tam Tam Crisis of spring '08, the Manischewitz Company went into overdrive and will have plenty of the crunchy six-sided unleavened crackers available this Passover season.

Top Ten Wines For The New Year

Rosh Hashanah is all about new beginnings and self-improvement and kosher wineries all over the world are making a commitment to producing great wines at affordable prices. Here are 10 suggestions for a fresh start on kosher wines.

The latest In Kosher Food

The other day my son called me from yeshiva ? just to chat. As usual, I asked about his day and of course, like any good mother ? "How's the food?" His response was "Pretty good," but that there are days that he doesn't eat supper because he doesn't like what they serve. I felt bad, but what could I do? He doesn't have a refrigerator, microwave or oven, so I can't send him food from home or even packaged meals ? can I?

What Are You Drinking This Pesach?

As Pesach draws near and the wine frenzy is at its peak, anyone interested in more than just a glass of Kiddush wine may have a hard time making sense of the literally hundreds of labels available from dozens of countries. As the selection in the liquor store may be a bit overwhelming, most people pick out one or two favorites and drink them on a regular basis.


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