From The Best Hosts To The Best Guests

The guests whom we welcome into our sukkahs can be Jews from all walks of life and backgrounds, with a wide array of preferences. Let’s therefore explore together a selection of wines from various styles, regions, and varieties to enjoy with our guests this coming Succos.

From The Four Corners Of The Earth

Wherever we are from, we, as yidden, all have a cultural heritage that should unite rather than divide us. This is the reason why I chose a variety of wines from countries far away from one another to enjoy over the upcoming yomim tovim, instead of the usual new wines for the new year or sweet wines for a sweet year.

The Freedom To Choose

Gabe, which wines are you having this year for the four cups? I am asked this question every year, countless times. Does it really matter? It does, yes.

Why Was This Night Different Than Any Other Night?

The show underscores the vast array of kosher quality wines and spirits available on the market today, with hundreds of companies represented. And, the level and sophistication, diversity and excellence were clearly underscored this year, said Gabriel Geller, Royal Wine’s Director of PR.

L’Chaim! Chill Out Or Warm Up, No Need To Choose

Deciding between a hearty chicken salad and a succulent roast won't be an easy task. This predicament is further complicated by the uncertainty of whether we'll be dining al fresco in the sukkah or, chas v’shalom, indoors in the dining room.

Elevating Wines for Rosh Hashana

The key to enjoying aged wine, besides having a wine cooler or a cellar, is to purchase a few bottles (or better yet, a few cases!) of each wine you intend to cellar.

Concierge Service Brings The Joy Of Wine To Private Events

Wine is truly a living, breathing item, and finding the right wine is a lot like buying stylish clothing; every season new styles are coming out.

Refreshing Wines for Shavuos

With many of us having the custom of indulging in all sorts of dairy (AND meat!) delights to mark the gift of the Torah to the Jewish people, it is a great time (and excuse!) to pop some great white, rosé and lighter reds that make a better pairing with fish, cheesecake, pasta, etc.

Wine-tune your Mishloach Manos Game

There is often an inner feeling that the package is not good or original enough, whatever that means. Every one of us has his/her sense of what is adequate to give out in our Purim gift packs.

Grapes Galore – Kosher Wineries Move Into High Gear

The grapes come in totes, known as wooden bins. From there it goes into various augers and pressers and filtration right there at crush and then it goes through a pasteurizer.

Mouthwatering Wines for Shavuot

It is appropriate to drink wine to mark the celebration properly. One should sanctify Shavuot and bless a wine of quality to add joy to the meal.

Royal Wine: This Little One Will Be Great

A bottle of wine is big and heavy, and when you give dozens of mishloach manos to friends and relatives, it can get quite expensive and tedious. Thankfully, the selection of smaller wine bottles and cans has grown tremendously.

Enlightening Wines For Chanukah

While contemplating the burning candles, it is an opportunity to take careful note of a wine’s aromatic profile, and appreciate its texture and flavors.

Off To A Great Start

The entire Seder of Rosh Hashanah, with its many beautiful minhagim, is all about symbols. Each fruit and vegetable symbolizes a dimension of spiritual growth for the year ahead. These are all things that we can see with wine, as well.

Realizing Jeremiah’s Prophecy: 3 Samaria Wineries Win Accolades in Intl. Competition

In the competition, which was held last week in Israel, more than 600 samples of wines and spirits were tested by some 40 judges from all over the world.

65 Israeli Wines Win Medals in Decanter World Wine Awards

The “Oscars of wine” recognizes the products of 18 Israeli wineries, bestowing six gold medals, 31 silvers and 28 bronzes.

Shavuos – The Source Of Our True Joy

Nowadays, there are many kosher rosé wines available, baruch Hashem. I try every year to taste through most if not all of them.

KFWE Wines To Rock Your Purim Seudah

After having tasted through most of the KFWE offerings, I have chosen a handful of wines which I very much enjoyed, and recommend you all to consider for your Purim Seudah.

The Other Side of the Cork: A Closer Look into Burgundy

In exciting news to both Madeb and myself, we learned that there would be three new wines from Burgundy produced by the Aegerter winery.

The Other Side of the Cork: Elviwines-Clos Mesorah, a Journey Blending Jewish History and...

They were not willing to compromise on quality regardless of the difficulties that come with producing kosher wines.

Domaine du Castel: A Miraculous Wine Story

Mrs. Sutcliffe’s letter motivated Eli to turn his small, hobbyist wine production into a professional winery, which he named Domaine du Castel.

From Biblical to Boutique – Israeli Wine Comes of Age

The story of Israel's wine industry is in many ways a reflection of the modern-day rebirth of our nation in its homeland.

The Other Side Of The Cork: Netofa – the Essence of the Lower Galilee...

I always wanted to write an article on the history of the kosher wine evolution. It is fascinating that here we are in 5779/2019...

Enhance Your Shavuot Table with Wine from the Land of Israel

Once overlooked, Israeli wines have long come into their own, earning a place of respect among connoisseurs and amateur wine enthusiasts alike. And among...

Tura Winery Visitor’s Center Opens its Doors on Chol Hamoed

This Passover, their intimate tasting room and visitors center will be open to the general public and during chol hamoed and will be free of charge

Triumph Among the Vines

Like Esther before her, Tura Winery co-owner Vered Ben Sa’adon is a modern-day example of a strong woman advocating for her people.

Samaria Wine Receives High Ranking from Prestigious US Wine Journal

Wine Spectato recently awarded the high grade of 90 to the Tura Winery’s 2014 Mountain Peak wine.

There Is No Simcha Without Good Wine

Succos, along with Simchas Torah is the holiday that most symbolizes and highlights the importance of serving G-d and follow his Torah with Joy....

Which Wine Are You? – A Purim Quiz

Purim is the holiday when all the secrets come out as the wine goes in. Knowing who you are can be hard. Knowing which wine to drink doesn’t have to be.

Wine Survival Guide for 3 Day Yom Tov

Practical tips from an Israeli wine expert on how to serve wine over the holidays without wasting money on wine that won't be used.


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