Photo Credit: @IsraelHatzolah

“There will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the crusades!” – Arab League Secretary General, Azzam Pasha, 1948

“I announce from here, on behalf of the United Arab Republic People, that this time we will exterminate Israel.” – President Gamal Nasser (Egypt), 1959

There are some images one never forgets. They remain indelibly imprinted in our minds, and haunt us throughout our lives. One nightmarish image from my youth stands out. I was attending the funeral of a local teenager. I remember the surreal images of the coffin being lowered into the ground. The shoveling of dirt into the grave, the final tapping of the earth to ensure that the grave was filled. Above all, I remember the heart-shattering wailing of the boy’s mother. I am a visual person, and yet more than the images, the mother’s cries remain with me. Such recollections often have an effect on the mind and soul which are more efficacious than any mussar sefer. They remind us of the fragility of man, and of our temporary abode in this physical world. I never forgot that funeral. It remains with me.

The picture of precious Chaya Zissel Braun (may G-d avenge her blood) all bundled up for the grave is another image that will never leave me. A lone shot of a tiny Jewish baby wrapped in the vestments of the dead, because an Arab Amalekite from Silwan murdered her. Today I just read that 22 year old Karen Mosquera, a rightoeus gentile on the road to conversion, succumbed to her deadly injuries from the attack. I am so sickened by Israel’s silence in the face of this persistent Arab terror. We are literally living with vipers in our home.

“I declare a holy war my Muslim brothers. Murder the Jews! Murder them all!” – Haj Hussein al Husseini (the mufti), 1948


Parents aren’t meant to bury their children, be they 3 years old or 30. Or three weeks. I imagine this precious Jewish baby falls under the grotesque category that Rabin named when he sold Eretz Yisroel to the PLO. “Karbonos” for peace. Today, these “sacrifices” are on Bibi’s head, since it is in his power to end this nightmare tomorrow if he chose to do so. The latest sacrifice for Bibi’s insane delusion was a three month old baby girl. I hope Netanyahu never knows a decent night’s sleep. Our leaders are worshipping Molech with our children.

A Dream Becomes A Nightmare

The Braun’s (may The Almighty comfort them) waited ten years to have a baby. Ten years is a veritable lifetime for any couple eager to start a family. In time, Hakadosh Baruch Hu answered their tefilot and they were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Until last week, this had the making of a heartwarming story that should have been the precursor to a lifetime of smachot and Jewish joy. For three months the Braun’s enjoyed their baby. A simple trip to the kotel in Ir Hakodesh should have been uneventful.

Should have been.

Perhaps in a normal world where a sovereign Jewish State acted with dignity and expelled its hostile Arab populace. In this case, an Arab who had previously been incarcerated, drove his car into a group of Jews and killed their baby girl, Chaya Zisel. When one understands the psychopathic hatred Arabs have for Jews, one understands that Chaya Zisel (may G-d avenge her blood) was killed by Amalek.

As Rav Soloveitchik pointed out:

“I once heard the following answer from my father and master )R. Moses Soloveitchik of blessed memory, namely that any nation that conspires to destroy Kneset Israel, becomes according to the halakha, Amalek.” Fate and Destiny, notes. Pg 94., Ktav Press. )

We see the normal Jewish reactions, because Jews cry and bleed when other Jews suffer. Tears. Agony. Horror. Frustration. Sympathy for the destroyed parents. But where is the rage? Rage must be one of the responses. The Arabs are spilling our blood and the government does nothing. Politicians call for restraint and civil order, while Arabs wage an intifada in Jerusalem. Jewish blood runs in the streets. Murder and mayhem. Arson. Stonings. Arab lynch mobs. Every day we read of such horrors. Terror on Har Habayit. The Arab mocks us, spits on us, and stones us. And the government is silent.


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Donny Fuchs made aliyah in 2006 from Long Island to the Negev, where he resides with his family. He has a keen passion for the flora and fauna of Israel and enjoys hiking the Negev desert. His religious perspective is deeply grounded in the Rambam's rational approach to Judaism.