Light Your Fire

Roi and Adan relayed the horrific happenings of October 7. As they spoke, they often had to stop and collect themselves. Their hands were shaking while recounting coming face to face with terrorists who were shooting at them. One could not help but feel as if you were there with them, hearts pounding, trying to escape death’s door.

Shabbos Neuroses

The seasons and cycles of the Torah force us to constantly face the passing of time.

Is It Proper To Attend A Non-Jewish university?

As with every question, the proper answer begins with "it depends."

Leket, Shikcha, And Pe’ah

Based on this, the Shulchan Aruch (Y.D. 332:1) writes that if there are no Jewish poor in the area, there is no need to leave these matnos aniyim. Rema adds that, therefore, the common practice is not to leave these matnos aniyim, since mostly they will be taken by gentiles.

Daf Yomi

Indeed, He Honored His Father ‘They Were Hired To Irrigate, But The River Dried Up’ (Bava Metzia 76b-77a)

Foreign Rituals At Military Ceremonies

While these rituals may evoke strong emotions, they also raise important halachic questions regarding the propriety of adopting non-Jewish rituals.

Daf Takes: Saving Face And Saving Lives

What is not often noted is that the Talmud says that issuers of such insults are among the three categories of sinners who do not rise up from Gehinnom, even though this isn’t explicitly categorized as one of the 613 commandments, positive or negative (though it can be indirectly included in at least one of them).

The Issue Is The Feelings, Not The Facts

There are specific prohibitions and damnations that befall one who mistreats an orphan. The verse (Shemos 22:21-23) states: You shall not ill-treat any widow or orphan. If you do mistreat them, I will heed their outcry as soon as they cry out to Me and My anger shall blaze forth and I will put you to the sword, and your own wives shall become widows and your children orphans.

Steep Climb

Because we are so blessed with material comfort and convenience, we need to remember that growth and greatness only come with exertion, persistence, and effort. Discomfort and pain are often par for the course.

Are Yom Ha’atzmaut And Yom Yerushalayim ‘Halachic’ Holidays?

The Chatam Sofer concludes that establishing a festival to mark a miraculous event is a biblical requirement, and one who does not do so is in violation of not performing a positive commandment (Teshuvot Chatam Sofer, YD 233).

Holding Hashem’s Hand

Living in Israel one cannot forget the painful past since unfortunately we have constant reminders. The painful past is a part of our daily lives and not just a memory.

The Gold-Plated Watch Problem

The Mishna (B.B. 83b) teaches that when the seller provides the buyer a different item than he ordered, the transaction is null and void, so that either party can retract, even if discovered much later, replied Rabbi Dayan.

Daf Yomi

He's A Communist! ‘He Who Calls Another Rasha’ (Bava Metzia 71a)

Daf Yomi

Hatzalah And Other First Responders ‘Your Life Takes Precedence …’ (Bava Metzia 62a)

Daf Yomi

It’s All In The Giving ‘… Five Laws Require a Minimum Peruta …’ (Bava Metzia 55a)

When Is A Weekly Rental Not A Weekly Rental?

although Mr. Gross offered rental options for all of Pesach or per night; when Mr. Klein opted for the nightly rate and began the rental accordingly, that rate is binding. Thus, he owes $800 for the stay through Friday.

The Clothes Make The Man

A person’s possession is not merely a thing, it is a means by which the world and he interact. Our possessions have an impact on us.

Why Don’t We Say A Blessing Before Reciting The Haggadah?

Most people will be surprised to learn that at one time a blessing was indeed recited before beginning the Haggadah. For some reason, however, the practice was discontinued.

Full Expression

Stevens reminds us that our children benefit from process-oriented praise, rather than outcome-oriented praise; in other words, to highlight the effort, rather than the results.

A Night Of Protection In The Shadow Of War

According to Chazal, the Seder night is a night on which Hashem provides the Jewish people with additional spiritual protection. A night when we are unconcerned with harm. A night when we feel safe. This sense of safety and security finds expression in Jewish law and custom.

How Are We Meant To Help Bring About The Ultimate Geulah, Especially In Light...

Pesach is not only the time to remember our initial redemption from Egypt, but it is also the time of redemption that will pave the way for our future redemption, which is the culmination of that initial redemption.

May Borrowed Tefillin Be Loaned To Another?

The Gemara (Gittin 29a; B.M. 29b) teaches that a person who borrows something may not lend it to others without the owner's permission, replied Rabbi Dayan. This applies even to a sefer Torah, despite the mitzvah involved (C.M. 342:1).

Daf Yomi

The Case Of The Conflicting Commitments ‘A Breach of Faith (Bava Metzia 49a)

Laws Of Baking Shmura Matzah – Then And Now

Although today our matzot are thin and hard, they used to be made thick and soft, and this remains the custom of some Sephardim today.

Mouse Psychology

Presumably, the Yerushalmi calls the mice wicked because instead of merely eating what they need to survive, they also invite their friends over to party.

The Same Evolving Story

Although the redemption happened over three thousand years ago, it has different meaning in every generation.

And They Cried Out And Their Voices Were Raised To The Heavens

Since the beginning of the year we have been going thought so much pain and devastation. So much grief and lamentation. We have troubles from outside and troubles from within. G-d in heaven hear our cry. Master of the world, see our pain. Hashem, our Father save us.

There is No Bracha on an Eclipse

One can say that eclipses could be different from all other created natural anomalies as a matter of Jewish law and are not covered by the general idea of a wonder such that a blessing should be made.

The Fee For A Transcontinental Shidduch

If a shadchan from one place went and made a shidduch elsewhere, his default fee is according to the place where he made the shidduch.

Daf Yomi

Ensnarement and Atonement: ‘The Only Proper Guarding of Coins Is in the Ground’ (Bava Metzia 42a)


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