Photo Credit: Jewish Press

My adult grandson and I were out on a date. I invited him to have dinner with me at our favorite restaurant. Since I am a very senior-senior citizen, we held hands for support as we walked along the street. Suddenly, a sweet, tingly voice rang out from a parked car. A young kallah stuck her head out of the window and said to us, “Wow! You are such an inspiration!” She told us that she was Jewish but grew up in a very secular atmosphere. She had just married a young yeshiva student and when she saw us, she was so inspired that she found herself looking up at the sky and saying to herself: “There surely is a wonderful G-d in this world and he is watching everything.” (Psalm 11)

So we inspired this lovely young kallah but the week before I was greatly inspired by another lovely young lady. It was a beautiful Shabbos morning and I was the only woman in the shul. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I became intensely dizzy. I could not stand. This never happened before or since, baruch Hashem. I didn’t know how I would get home when suddenly Leah appeared. She very rarely comes to shul on Shabbos as she has several young children at home and always invites guests for lunch. Despite all of her pressures and the really intense heat she walked me several blocks to my house. The inspiration I derived from this wonderful young woman’s kindness added to the fact that G-d sent her to shul that day to do this chesed went a long way to add to my already very strong emunah.


Sometimes we are inspired by the simple sweet kindness and patience of a total stranger. One day I went to purchase eyeglass frames. The salesperson, non-Jewish, was so caring and concerned that I be happy with the purchase that her behavior translated to me as a great kiddush Hashem. I went next door to a posh boutique and bought a substantial gift certificate and presented it to her as my sign of gratitude but much more important as a kiddush Hashem. This saleslady’s behavior inspired me in such a way that it added to my already strong emunah – not only my tremendous faith in Hashem but my complete adoration of G-d.

Then there was the bee that flew into my kitchen. Since I was in the midst of davening Shmonei Esrei, I could not move. The bee went merrily swirling around my head but thank G-d it decided to land on the window where it moved back and forth frantically trying to escape. After about five minutes, two other bees appeared outside of the window and flew back and forth seemingly communicating with their trapped friend. I was amazed at the apparent frenzied concern of these two bees and was astonished to see the prisoner escape through a tiny crack. It dawned upon me that if G-d gave little bees the midah of concern and loving kindness for their fellow creatures, what a strong sense of caring every human being should have for each other! This again inspires me greatly and has added to my tremendous emunah.

Certainly the great Rebbitzen Jungreis has always been a tremendous inspiration and emunah builder as I read her weekly columns. She will be sorely missed. Her influence on my emunah will last forever.

Through our actions, words, smiles, facial expressions, and body language we can inspire people without even realizing it. Through this inspiration, people achieve, grow, and constantly strengthen their emunah. This faith in Hashem is the #1 key to a meaningful, peaceful, happy life. We never know how the flames of inspiration can dramatically ignite the torch of emunah.


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