Photo Credit: Asher Schwartz
Hamas prepares a civilian casualty.

Hamas loves death so much that its list of terrorists and alleged civilians who were killed in the war on Israel includes people who were listed twice.

Hamas also included in its death toll, allegedly at the hands of the IDF, the large number of civilians were killed by Hamas’ rockets and mortar shells that fell short of their targets. Others were executed by Hamas for allegedly providing Israel with intelligence information.


The names of the first 150 casualties, as reported by Hamas, did not differentiate between civilians and terrorists and described all of the victims as “shahids” (martyrs), the Meir Amit Intelligence and Terrorism Information Center (ITIC) reported.

At least 71 of the list were terrorists, but in some cases, they “died twice” because death notices were announced both by Hamas and by Palestinian Authority interior security forces.

“Dual identity allows Hamas to employ many military operatives in the security forces, give their activity governmental legitimacy, and pay them salaries intended for members of the security forces in the Gaza Strip,” ITIC explained.

For example, the Facebook page of the National Security Forces Headquarters announced the dearth of Ibrahim al-Balawi , and Hamas did the same, inflating the casualty list on a “two for the price of one” basis.

Hamas also created the illusion of a high number of civilian casualties by not providing the Palestinian Health Ministry with information about terrorists who were killed.

The United Nations claimed that the number of civilian casualties among the first 150 was approximately 75 percent.

The Palestinian Center for Human Rights reported this week that of the 1938 who died in the war, 1626 were civilians, while the IDF estimates that a majority of those killed were Hamas, Islamic Jihad and other terrorists.

One soldier serving in Gaza told The Jewish Press that a “civilian” house that was hit by the IDF resulted in the deaths of 14 terrorists, whom Hamas easily could claim as “civilians” because they were in residential building from which they were firing at soldiers.

Another discrepancy is that children make up more than 55 percent of the population in Gaza but counted for only 23.7 percent of the casualties,. Women make up 21.1 percent of the population and were listed as 12.6 percent of those killed.

The remainder of nearly 1,300 were men, and logic dictates that their high proportionate of the number who were killed is because they were shooting at soldiers or crawling out of tunnels to attack Israeli civilians.

Hamas warned Gazans this week “not to divulge information about ‘resistance’ casualties because the ‘occupation’ [Israel] was collecting all the information and reports [about casualties] and would use them as evidence to ‘justify its crimes against [Palestinian] civilians.’” ITIC reported.

Retired British Col. Richard Kemp wrote for the Gatestone Institute this week, “Analysis of casualty details released by Qatar-based Al Jazeera indicate that so far most of those killed in Gaza have been young men of fighting age, not women, children or old people.”

He added, “With few exceptions, reporters, commentators and analysts unquestioningly accept the casualty statistics given by Gaza’s Hamas-controlled medical authorities, who ascribe all deaths to the IDF. Is anyone in Gaza dying of natural causes? Mass executions of “’collaborators,’ and civilians killed by malfunctioning Hamas rockets, are all attributed to IDF fire.”

One of the most grotesque examples of Hamas’ faking civilian deaths was caught in the video below, which shows people staging a photo op for eager journalists by carrying a girl, presumably dead, and placing her next to that of adults who were killed in the alleged IDF bombing of a United Nations school.

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Tzvi Ben Gedalyahu is a graduate in journalism and economics from The George Washington University. He has worked as a cub reporter in rural Virginia and as senior copy editor for major Canadian metropolitan dailies. Tzvi wrote for Arutz Sheva for several years before joining the Jewish Press.