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Netanyahu shaking Arafat's hand upon handing the Palestinians most of Hebron. Without a vision, strategy is impossible. Tactics become farcical.
Mitzpe Shalhevet before the voluntary evacuation…
…and after

In January, 1997, when the Hebron Accords handing most of the city to the Palestinian Authority were signed and implemented by Bibi Netanyahu, another government decision was passed, calling for, and promising, the continued growth and wellbeing of Hebron’s Jewish community.

It’s hard to understand how a Prime Minister, whose actions brought upon this community two and a half years of shooting attacks, murders, and other terror acts, who promised to ensure the expansion of Hebron’s Jewish Community, can allow continued shrinkage of Hebron’s Jewish neighborhoods. Beit HaMachpela, Beit HaShalom, now Beit Ezra, not to mention the government’s refusal of any permits to plan or build new homes.


These are not examples of good will, growth, and well-being. To the contrary, they seem to be examples of how to bring about the deletion of Hebron’s Jewish community from the map.

What’s with you, Bibi? Perhaps the time has arrived to come clean. Will the property really be returned to us, or is this another political spin, designed to prevent more votes being drained away from the Likud to the right wing parties? Let the electorate know exactly where you stand concerning Hebron, before January 22, 2013.

And for a start, give us back Beit Ezra.


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David Wilder is the spokesperson for the Hebron Community.