Cooking Outside The Box

I know, after all of those Yom Tov meals, you may still be on hiatus from kitchen duty, but these two cookbooks might have you rethinking that decision.

Roasted Zaatar Chicken

While we were there, we explored the shuk. The sights, smells and delicious food are unmatched by any other marketplace I have ever been to.

Ariella Zeitlin: Violin Like That

“I didn’t choose the violin because of my grandfather. But I definitely had the idea that the violin was important when I was very young,” she noted.

How To Wear Fall’s Top Trends

I’m so glad to see that furry fuzzy outerwear is still very much on trend this season.

Exercising Perception

My good fortune was grandparents and “greats,” and an uncle who had the vision and courage to leave Europe after World War I. Even if it wasn’t vision, surely it was courage.

Baked Sesame Chicken with Broccoli

I have a friend who absolutely hates cooking. She just texted me a long thank you for this recipe because she was able to follow it, and everybody loved it!

Dressing Up

There is a huge selection, but you can search by dress length and sleeve length, depending on your modesty preference, so as not to overwhelm you.

What Really Matters

I know that Elul, September, is not all black. There are many happy events that have taken place in our family during this month...

Sneak Peek

I've always felt too short to pull off sneakers with my dresses, thinking it made me look short and frumpy.

Summer Slaw

I was getting bored of my usual coleslaws and needed a fun dish that would be a great accompaniment for any meal or even eaten plain.

Dreamers That We Are

“Whether there was ever any doubt about the accuracy, the wisdom, the propriety of U.S. President Trump recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, I certainly think this lays all doubts to rest,” American Ambassador David Friedman proclaimed at the event.

Dreamers That We Are

Listen Faigie, I had the same dream three times. I dreamed that I owe you money. Three times is a chazaka!

SKILL’IT: The New Kosher Web Series For Foodies

The kosher food world has evolved and exploded lately. Kosher food establishments have upped their game and there is such a wide range of options out there.

Up Your Summer Cooking Game

There were crispy stuffed baked potatoes and tantalizing veggie burgers to be made and it needed to happen immediately, if not sooner.

Double Duty Makeup With Sunscreen

There are plenty of BB creams and tinted moisturizers that contain sunscreen. Ideally, look for the ones that contain at least 30 SPF.

BBQ Bourbon Burgers

These fun BBQ bourbon burgers will have your family devouring them before you can blink.

Summer’s Hair

Before you head to the pool, dampen your hair and apply conditioner.

Timeless Teacher, Then And Now

I remember her, a teacher who loved teaching, a teacher who inspired her students, and students who loved and admired their teacher in return.

Let My People Clean… Again!?!

As you clean, take advantage of the opportunity to de-clutter.

Picture Heaven

My albums are now considered a family heritage.

Shavuos 2009 vs. 2019

Triple layered cheesecake with heavy graham cracker crusts will not be on my menu this Shavuos! I opt to create a lighter and simpler portion-controlled version of a cheesy treat.

Time To Remember

I do my best to continue what was important to him, and what has become important for me - to count, and to remember.


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