Saluting Murray Franklin

"I had to grow a tough little hide as everybody was fair game to be razzed and needled."

To the Death Camps in a Pink Knit Dress

On July 1, 1944, my grandmother traveled to Mauthausen and then to Bergen Belsen wearing high-heeled shoes and a fancy pink knit dress.

Kugel Aside: an Important Observation

The Sanctuary was built with an ezrat nashim, a separate area for women.

My Grandson Is in Danger

If there were evidence my grandson Meir committed a crime, he should be put on trial in open court

The Unimagined Abilities of the Disabled

Behind every child with a label of disability there's a child with ability to be cherished, praised and supported.

‘I Aimed my Rifle Above the Rock-Throwing Arab Boy’s Head’

Today he might be terrorist, a peace-loving Arab. Or maybe he is a dead suicide bomber. In 1990, he was 8 years old when he hurled rocks at the bus I was guarding.

Thank You, Amir Benayoun

A few months ago we decided to add another musical event to our annual agenda in Hebron.

Jacob W. Heller: Model Jewish-American Lawyer

My father took Yeshiva University debating into the national spotlight when he competed in the individual National Collegiate Debate finals.

The Miracle of Breathing

Hanukah reminds us how grateful we must be that everything works. Take a breath and say, "Thanks!"

Tens of Thousands Celebrate Israel In Manhattan (Photo Essay)

Tens of thousands of marchers and spectators showed their support for Israel on Sunday in New York City’s annual Celebrate Israel Parade.


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