Shelach: Is Hope Irrational?
Are pessimists just rationalists, and is hope just naiveté?
Behar: Why Does Land have to Rest?
What does it mean, conceptually, to see Shabbat in different worlds?
Matot: Why Is The End of Bamidbar So Anticlimactic?
Over the next 2 weeks covering portion Matot and Maasei, Rabbi Fohrman will bring order to confusion.
Aleph Beta: Beha’alotecha: Where It All Went Wrong
WIth this week's parsha, Israel begins its 40 years wandering in the desert before entering the Land
Parsha Behaalotchea: A Guide For…Parenting? Part II
Rabbi Fohrman delves deeper into the Priestly Blessing and its relevant lessons
Vayigash: The Epic Confrontation Between Judah and Joseph
A fascinating Biblical echo
Yitro: The Marriage of God and Israel
The nation and God are 'married.'
Metzora: Living Within the Community
while each of us is an individual, we are also part of a larger unit
Kedoshim: How Can I Find True Love?
Rabbi Fohrman explains how the Torah provides the building blocks of true love.
Parshat Naso: A Guide For…Parenting?
Is parsha Naso teaching us how we should treat our children?
Bechukoti: Why Would God Curse His People?
In this week's parsha a stark choice is presented: follow God and live, or abandon Him and die.
Vayechi: Who Is Joseph’s Real Father?
When Joseph agrees to bury Jacob in Canaan, Jacob bows to him in relief - why?
Ki Tisa: Moshe’s Benevolent Chutzpah
The Jewish people commit the worst sin possible - worshiping a false god.
Vayikra: Can Leaders Make Mistakes?
Welcome the book of Leviticus!
Parsha Emor: Is There A Shabbat In Other Realms?
Rabbi Fohrman makes a fascinating argument about how Shabbat works and shows that there are shabbatot in different realms.
Terumah: Is There a Face Hiding in the Mishkan?
The mishkan represents the 'face' of God.
Parshat Pinchas: What Does It Mean To Be Zealous For God?
The midrash says that Pinchas, (this parsha), and Eliyahu, prophet of Kings, are one and the same.
Tetzaveh: Where Is God in a Physical World?
How can God be both outside of space and time, and in our physical world?
Chayei Sarah: What Makes for a Successful Life?
What Rashi's take on Sarah's life means to us.
Acharei Mot: The (Surprising) Point of Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur is called one of the days of awe. What does awe have to do with forgiveness for our sins?
Beshalach: What Does It Mean to Have Faith?
Why did Miriam lead the women of the nation in a second song?
Shmot: If Midrash is Real, Why Isn’t It Peshat?
We need to put ourselves into the eyes of Pharaoh's daughter.
Toldot: a Conversation for the Ages
What does the parsha teach us about the nature of heritage?
Vaera: Did God Take Away Pharoah’s Free Will?
How could He do such a thing?
Chukat: Was Hitting the Rock So Horrible?
What was the small act of Moshe talking to the rock meant to teach the people of Israel?
Mishpatim: Female Servitude… Wait, What?
Worse, a female child, being sold by her parents!
Korach: Can We Influence God?
Is it possible for us to influence God?
Tazria: The Bizarre Purification of the Metzora
This week's parsha deals with the strange set of laws dealing with tzara'at.
Pekudei: a Giant Chiasm in Sefer Shmot
How do the pieces of this puzzle come together to help us understand how the Torah builds together?
Miketz: Why Didn’t Joseph Write Home?
This new perspective helps us understand Joseph.