Photo Credit: IDF
Just some of the equipment and weapons returned during IDF amnesty month 2016

Back in March, the IDF declared amnesty month from March 20 until April 15. You could return all your IDF equipment you “accidentally” took home – no questions asked, no jail time.

The operation quickly received some guns and ammo, but now that it’s over, lets take a look at some of the more interesting things that was returned.


According to the chart below, the IDF received back:

457 guns and rifles of all types

1,343,711 rounds of ammunition

1890 grenades

396 explosive ignition and pyrotechnic systems

220 binoculars, scopes and night vision equipment

27,681 pieces of personal equipment (helmets, vests, knives, clothing…)

2142 explosives, shells, mortars and missiles

What appears to be 2 joysticks from a plane,

And one seriously decked-out motorcycle!
(The motorcycle appears to have been included in the photos as a joke.)


(This last photo with the motorcycle appears to have been included as a joke on someone’s part!)


H/T: Thanks to HotNews1 for forwarding all the photos

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