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Israel: Cares for its elderly as no other. As per Leviticus 19:32
“In the presence of an old person shall you rise and you shall honour the presence of the old”. Even our buses display this sign !

(Rene Garfinkel writes in the Jerusalem Post that Spanish nursery home staff walked out, leaving their charges alone in their beds. Italian doctors were directed not to use ventilators on the over 60’s in favour of the young. And the Netherland decided on Herd Immunity which is a death sentence for the elderly and frail.) Darwin would be proud.


The Tragedy: Of the Ultra Orthodox who were not well enough informed because of their lack of modern means of communication.

Athletes: Who trained all year to be at the peak of their fitness for the Olympics cannot compete.

Hear: About Rashi’s Daughters in the Walters World literary segment.

And: Two official updates from our Health Emergency Service Magen David Adom and from the Police spokesmen


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