Photo Credit: Yonatan Sindel/Flash90
Who the heck cares if some gentile denies that our millions of brothers and sisters were murdered in the Holocaust? Why should their opinion matter?

Last week I published here an article about an international committee that set out to establish, once and for all, what constitutes Holocaust denial. I wrote the story in near-deadpan delivery, believing in the power of the nonsensical assertions on the part of the government official making those pronouncements to provide its own tongue in cheek: the newly accepted definition of a holocaust denier is “anyone who doubts the number of Jews killed, who denies the existence of the gas chambers, as well as anyone who claims the Jews have brought on the holocaust intentionally, to serve their own ends, such as the establishment of the State of Israel, and also anyone who includes the 1939-1945 holocaust among other great tragedies in human history.”

The child of a Holocaust survivor, I’ve long since learned to own my father’s experience and my own consequent complex emotional ties with those dreadful years. I also believe I’ve earned the right to speak out on these issues honestly and fearlessly. There are no sacred cows in my Holocaust meadow.


I also believe the Holocaust is a purely Jewish issue, painfully intimate, like the destruction of two temples we mourn on Tisha B’Av. Who the heck cares what some gentile thinks about Tisha B’Av? In that same vain, who the heck cares if some gentile denies that my grandfather, Chanina Yanover, may God avenge his blood, was murdered in Auschwitz?

But I didn’t add that last paragraph, just relied on the deadpan delivery to deliver the message.

And then the Nazis showed up, at the comments section. I’m saying “Nazis” for shorthand. I’m sure many of them are not Nazis, not even remotely related to any Nazi or neo-Nazi group, but when there’s a wave happening, it tends to obscure the subtle differences between innocent commenters and dedicated followers of the Führer. For sure, my article was cited lavishly on neo-Nazi forums out there, and their readers took the link ride over to our own corner of the Web.

Here’s a chilling one, from Jonna Larsen, of Lyngby, Kobenhavn, Denmark:

“The time is not far away when Jews like Moshe Kantor, president of EJC, Abe Foxman, of the ADL and Zuroff and Cooper from the Wiesenthal Center, as well as a whole bunch of other prominent censorship promoting Jews, will fall victim to the laws they designed themselves. “

OK, very critical but still reasonable. Then she writes this:

“I seriously think of finding a good opportunity to put one or more of these people on trial for their endless slander and hate speech against white people, Christians, whole Nations and other groups and individuals who oppose the efforts of international Zionist Jewry to darken the world with their heinous proposals for censorship and state prescribed enforced history, thereby undermining the very corner stone of Western Civilization.”

Now, that’s Nazi talk, girl, don’t you know that? Don’t you know if you keep talking like that you’ll get a hairy, Chaplin style moustache growing right under your nose? Oh, but she goes on:

“The main part of organized Jewry is a threat to all other peoples on earth wherever it manifests itself politically. Always mongering for war, always (more or less legally) bribing their way in order to get the results they want. More special rights for Jews, including animal abuse and bodily mutilation of infants, more wars for Israel, mass immigration, censorship and hate speech laws for the Goyim.”

And she’s frothing at the mouth at this point, making it difficult to understand which specific Jew things she’s hating.

So that one was truly vile. At that point, our website boss, Steve, who had been fighting bravely to chop off those five-headed dragon messages, was getting a serious case of carpal tunnel syndrome. The last time he had to work so hard to clean up the messages was when I suggested the Turkish head of Intelligence who sold out Israeli agents to Iran deserved a spanking, causing approximately half of Turkey to visit us and express their unintelligible indignation. And before that, he had to fight the anti-Turks, when we ran here a few items by Turkish Muslims who love Israel. man, that caused a stir.

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Yori Yanover has been a working journalist since age 17, before he enlisted and worked for Ba'Machane Nachal. Since then he has worked for Israel Shelanu, the US supplement of Yedioth,,, Lubavitch News Service, Arutz 7 (as DJ on the high seas), and the Grand Street News. He has published Dancing and Crying, a colorful and intimate portrait of the last two years in the life of the late Lubavitch Rebbe, (in Hebrew), and two fun books in English: The Cabalist's Daughter: A Novel of Practical Messianic Redemption, and How Would God REALLY Vote.