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Baruch Marzel

Baruch Marzel, a Boston-born Orthodox Jew, told 0404 News Sunday morning that in Jerusalem there never was and never will be peaceful coexistence with the Arabs.

Speaking moments after the shooting attack by an Arab terrorist that wounded eight, two critical, at Ammunition Hill, Marzel sid, “In Jerusalem there never was and never will be coexistence, as long as tens of thousands of terrorists and murderers are living here. As long as we don’t use weapons to care of soft terrorism — the hard terrorism will continue. It’s a miracle we don’t see attacks like this one every hour.”


Marzel, who lives in Hebron with his wife and nine children, is a leader of the Otzma Yehudit (Jewish Power) party. A follower and spokesman for the late Rabbi Meir Kahane, Marzel is routinely described by the mainstream Israeli media as “extreme right-wing activist.” In 2015 he ran for the Knesset but failed to get in.

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