Photo Credit: Miriam Alster/FLASH90
Likud supporters celebrate

A very happy PM Netanyahu declared victory at the Likud victory party, following the release of the exit poll results from Tuesday’s general elections in Israel.

Netanyahu said that against all the odds, this was a great victory for the Likud, and for the people of Israel.


Netanyahu told his followers that he called all the leaders of the nationalist parties and asked them to join him, and quickly form a government. He declared that he wants to form a strong, stable government.

Netanyahu repeatedly thanked his wife Sara for her support, and for dealing with all the media attacks against her personally.

Yitzchak Herzog (Zionist Union/Labor) said the race is still open.

Still, it appears that the keys to the government lay in the hands of former Likud member Moshe Kachlon and his Kulanu party.

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